12 ⊷ Scared

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I wouldn't mind choking on a cold cup of spicy Namericano if I got to see this man in return


Kang Jae-suk, Seoul's mayor. 

Praised for being down to earth, for bringing wealth to the capital, for his unique ideas and for not being afraid to swim against the tide. 

Yet, despite the public's positive view of him, Ji-yoon was utterly unimpressed to be making his acquaintance. 

"You haven't even met him," Haechan complained. 

"I heard about him," Ji-yoon argued. "Besides, he is friends with that wannabe-famous CEO Park." 

Chenle hummed, only partly agreeing. "He is famous." 

"Not popular though." 

"He will be," Chenle noted. "If everything goes well, then that project is going to bring us closer to climate goals, raise safety, accessibility and effectiveness of the public transport network--"

Ji-yoon inhaled sharply through her teeth. "President Zhong, which side are you on?" 

He shrugged. "I was just pointing it out," he mumbled. "I am a businessman. I might not agree with the methods but the outcome is still impressive." 

Both, Haechan and Ji-yoon, rolled their eyes at this. They couldn't find much sympathy for Chenle's enthusiasm. 

Just as that talk was done, the kind lady that had brought the three to the mayor's office, came to a halt. 

She turned to the door to her right and knocked. As an affirmative hum came from inside, she stiffly opened it and took a step inside. 

"Sir," she said politely. "The agents are here."

"Oh, right!" the man said in return. His chair squeaked as he pushed it back and walked towards them. "Let them in." 

And that she did. The three were quickly inside and then soon left alone with the middle-aged man. 

He had a certain warmth to him. It were his eyes and smile that made him seem oddly friendly. His voice, though it had turned a little croaky over the years, was pleasant to listen to. 

"I am finally meeting you," Kang said happily. "I have heard a lot about your agency." 

And as he said that, he walked straight past Haechan and Ji-yoon and offered Chenle his hand to shake. 

Bored, Ji-yoon turned away from Kang and stepped further into the office. As she passed Haechan, she raised her brows as if to say I told you so

"I am very sorry to bother you when you already have such a busy schedule," Chene apologized politely, adding a bow for the proper effect. "Thank you for taking the time to meet us." 

"Not at all! I heard the DREAM agents are very capable young men. It is my pleasure to help you," he said quickly, then turned to look at Ji-yoon who was strolling through the room aimlessly. 

She didn't notice the man's curious gaze when he asked, 
"And who is this young lady? Is she also an agent of yours?" 

"That is Miss Kim Ji-yoon, our advisor for this case," Chenle quickly said, his swift response making it clear that he had thought about this beforehand. 

At his introduction, she turned around. A sweet smile on her lips, a quick bow. 
"It is a pleasure to meet you," Ji-yoon lied politely. 

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine!" Kang said in return, then motioned towards the two sofas in the middle of the room that faced one another. "Shall we take a seat?" 

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