31 ⊷ Genuinely

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the skeleton in the back is me 

i died from this man's beauty bye


The typical stale smell of the hospital faded into the background due to how tired Ji-yoon was. 

She dragged her feet over to Shotaro's bed where she sat down on its edge. As she did that, she was watched by all three boys. 

"You are back," Shotaro determined happily. "You stormed off so quickly and I didn't know why. Jeno wouldn't tell me anything either." 

She frowned. "Jeno?" 

"Yeah," he said, confused that she didn't know. "He called Haechan but I didn't know what the problem was and he wouldn't explain it to me either."

"So it was you?" she asked in surprise. "You told on me?" 

Jeno smiled warmly before offering her a sarcastic, "You are welcome." 

Meanwhile, Haechan had walked over to Jeno's bed. He leaned against the bed's footboard as he listened. 

"Right," Shotaro said, "how are Andy and the others?" His eyes were on the girl who quickly noticed that. She wanted to reply but she couldn't really find the energy to do so.

So, instead, she glimpsed at Haechan expectantly. Confused, he raised a brow until eventually realizing what she wanted. 

"Oh," he exhaled before answering for her. "They are fine. They were obviously upset after hearing that you two are in the hospital but they are okay. They also said they are going to visit you guys later." 

Which instantly made Shotaro smile brightly. "Great!" 

"That's good to hear," Jeno said, sounding genuinely relieved to hear that they were doing alright. "By the way, what are you planning on doing about yesterday? Did you call the police?" 


"Calling them is useless," Ji-yoon interrupted Haechan's attempt at giving a nice, Shotaro-friendly answer. "But they will find the crime scene soon anyway." 

Jeno and Shotaro shared their confusion as they looked away from Ji-yoon and over to Haechan who yet again took over the explanation. 

"She sent some of the boys from WayV there to take pictures and document everything. They will publish an article tonight, so the police will know then." 

Though a little confused why she wouldn't just call the police straight away, Shotaro was still impressed to hear about WayV. He gave her a thumbs up. 

"You are quite lucky to have friends in such a position," he noted. 

Jeno agreed. "They always post what you want them to." 

"Not exactly," she dismissed their enthusiasm. "I just happened to often get involved in situations they are fond of covering. They write about what they want, I have no say in it." 

And while Shotaro just accepted that as an answer, Jeno ended up remembering something that caught his interest. 

"Ji-yoon, that day when we were visiting your house, Yangyang called you his boss," he recalled. "What was that all about?" 

It turned out not only Jeno was interested in her answer but also the other two who quickly concentrated their attention on the girl. 

While she didn't mind the question, she was too tired to give long explanations. So taking a deep breath, she thought of a quick reply. 

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