10 ⊷ Fake

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please someone tell me I am not the only one that misses this hair on Haechan </3


Yangyang came out of the kitchen where Ten was still busily preparing dinner. However, already hungry, the boy got himself a snack - and Ji-yoon too while he was at it. 

"Catch!" he shouted before he threw a cereal bar towards her. 

Quick to react, the girl caught it and took a bite of it just when Yangyang reached her. He sat down next to her and threw his legs over her lap. 

After that, he pulled his laptop onto his lap and Ji-yoon continued to look through her phone. 

"What are you doing?" Yangyang asked curiously. 

He had noticed that something was bothering her ever since Ten and he had arrived. The crinkles between her brows were soft but seemingly unfading. 

Her annoyed eye rolls every now and then fitted her restlessness. That was also why he sat down next to her with his legs over hers, as he hoped it would get her to calm down a bit and to stop moving. 

Ji-yoon quickly turned her head to look at him. She furrowed her brows and sighed first before talking. 

"Do you know what that Felix guy said?" Yangyang shook his head. "He implied that Taemin hired someone to kill Byung-hun." 

She laughed. Laughed in disbelief. Annoyance. She closed her eyes, tried to remain calm. Her face was covered in the light of the still sunny day. It warmed her skin, helped her to relax. 

Today had been a good day. 

Too good to spend it being angry. 

"I really want to know if they are even aware of what their great CEO is doing," she mumbled sarcastically at last. 

"You don't think they know that the system is actually stolen?" Yangyang questioned in surprise. 

"I'm not sure," she admitted discontentedly. "They seemed really sure of themselves. I couldn't tell if they are acting or not." 

Yangyang could tell how torn Ji-yoon was. She looked like she wanted to get involved. 

But she also looked like she wanted to refrain from making things more complicated. 

She wanted this to be dealt with properly. That was the reason why she got Dream involved in the first place. Yangyang knew that. 

"What does Haechan think? Is he on your side?" he then asked. 

Surprised by a question of which the answer was pretty obvious, Ji-yoon laughed in amusement. 

She looked at him, a brow raised. "Well he isn't on my side, that's for sure." 

Of course she didn't blame Haechan for being so cautious around her. If she would have been in his position, she probably would have done the same thing anyway. 

"I can't tell what he's thinking," she said bitterly. "But I think he no longer suspects Taemin." 

Although that was all the good news she had, she was satisfied. 

As long as Taemin was safe and the focus was back on what really mattered, she was satisfied. 

Seeing how she had seemingly calmed down now, Yangyang felt like now was the best time to ask. 

Not the right time, but a better one. 

"Actually, there was something I wanted to ask you," he began carefully, looking somewhat tense. When he got a nod from Ji-yoon in return, he quickly continued. "Do you remember a couple of days ago when that guy was following me?" 

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