29 ⊷ Alone

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I think I have used this gif somewhere before but nvmd cause look at him


The phone rang. Just the good old, same boring ringtone dancing through the office. 

Hurrying to get his phone and answer the call, Haechan froze for a second when he saw who was calling. He picked up right away. 

"Jeno?" he asked, instantly worried. "Are you okay?" 

The other boys in the office, who had only learned about what had happened after everything was already over, looked at Haechan right away. 

They were going to visit him and Shotaro at the hospital later but now they regretted waiting. 

"I need your help," Jeno pleaded urgently. "Ji-yoon was just here to check in on us but she left in a hurry. Something is wrong." 

Reaching for his car keys, Haechan already walked towards the door. He motioned the others to stay there, however. He didn't need them to come along. 

"Where did she go?" he asked without question. 

"To see Changbin probably," Jeno guessed. "I don't know what's going on but if she gets on their bad side again then--"

"I know," Haechan cut him off, not wanting to hear what he had to say - he knew it himself. Angering JYP already almost killed them the last time. A second time might be too much. "I know, I will go there now." 

The Dreamie's office was closer to JYP's headquarters than the hospital was. So if he hurried then he should be able to reach her in time. 


Pushing the speed limit, running a red light or two, he rushed to the building. A hasty stop and he hopped out of the car, running over to the entrance. 

Just as he got there, Ji-yoon did too. 

One hand already pressed against the door, about to open it, Ji-yoon suddenly stumbled back when someone grabbed her hand and pulled her back. 

Though startled for a moment, when she turned around she quickly noticed the familiar figure that dragged her away from the building. Even just the back of his head was enough to tell who it was.

Despite being angry, despite her blood boiling, despite being upset at Haechan -

Despite it all, she followed him wordlessly.

Once they got to his car, he pulled her closer, put his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her against the car.

"What are you doing here?" Haechan asked, breathless from how worried he was. He tightened his grip on her shoulders almost as if he was worried she would otherwise slip through his fingers. 

He was more anxious than he thought he would be. 

"Were you going to storm in there and confront him? Just like this, without a plan?" She didn't react. Actually, she just stared at him wordlessly, a little like a kid that was being scolded. 

"I can't keep waiting for something to happen," she said. She didn't move, nor make an attempt to escape Haechan's grasp. "I need to do something."

"Still, there are better ways to go about this," he said, confusing her. She didn't expect him to try and give her solutions. She expected him to scold her or warn her. 

Him sounding like he was going to work together with her - it surprised her. 

"Why are you acting this way?" she asked, voice low. She didn't know the answer - she didn't know him. 

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