52 ⊷ Shameless

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it takes me so long to update this story, I'm sorry 🙃💔


Ji-yoon had to laugh. She hummed as she watched Haechan stand before her with closed eyes and a shirt in his hand.

"What are you doing?" she questioned. 


"Blindly?" she inquired, then jokingly added, "Am I that horrible to look at?"

He sighed. "I am trying to be polite."

"I'd rather you be shameless," she mumbled in return. "But I guess seeing you act so innocently and pure is also cute."

Haechan rolled his closed eyes first, then slowly opened them. The second he caught sight of her, he locked eyes with her. He noticed her smirk and how she ran her eyes up and down the boy. 

"Joon," he said somewhat strictly, "I'm trying to help you put on clothes, not help you take them off."

"We could take them off first and then put them back on together~" she suggested happily, then reached forward to grab his hand. She pulled him closer. "What do you say?"

He raised a brow, finding amusement in her boldness. "I say," he said lowly as he leaned forward, "we get you dressed before your brothers worry and check in on you."

He placed a kiss on her cheek, then pulled back only to see her wear a heavy frown.


"How are you so patient?" she wondered.

"We have time," he said. "We only just started dating and we are both injured. Life is long enough, we don't need to rush now."

His comment was sensible and sweet. Yet, it made her wonder how he could be so sure. She watched him intently but was unable to spot even a hunch of doubt in his eyes. 

"Isn't that quite unrealistic?" she asked, confusing the boy with her question. "Since we met, we both almost died twice. Are you confident that our lives are long? Ours, of all people?" 

He wasn't entirely sure if he should be surprised or not to hear that. She was not exactly wrong, however, he still disliked where her mind was heading. Expression going blank, Haechan raised his hand and gently flicked his fingers against her forehead. 

"Hey!" She pouted. "What was that for?"

"Don't say that," he warned. "We'll look after each other so we'll be fine." 

Gasping in exaggeration, Ji-yoon pushed out a quiet, "I'm surprised the Lee Haechan is more optimistic than me for once." 

Haechan took a deep breath. "We should be there for each other. If you are pessimistic, I will be optimistic." 

Impressed by his new approach to things, she nodded. "That sounds nice." She smiled, leaned a bit closer again. "I like this side of you, Sunshine. Wanna marry me?"

"We aren't even a couple yet," he deadpanned. 

She agreed quickly. "Wanna be my boyfriend so we can marry?" she asked instead.  

"Joon," Kai said as he knocked on the door to your room. "Are you okay? Your brothers said breakfast is almost ready, you should come downstairs." 

"I am busy!" she retorted. "I'm trying to get Haechan to marry me." 

Kai sounded like he wanted to say something to that yet cut himself off in time. Instead, he merely hummed. 

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