25 ⊷ Red

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A growl roared through the air. Loud. Dangerous. Frighteni--

"I'm hungry," Ji-yoon complained, hand on her stomach. She squinted her eyes shut, pressed her head into the headrest. 

Taemin pushed out a breathy laugh. "I know." He glimpsed at her shortly before turning his attention on the road again. "I will buy you dinner. Tell me what you want." 

She smiled, let her head tumble to the side and looked at the boy. 
"Can I ask for anything?" 

He nodded. "Sure. As thanks for attending the conference with me."

At the mention alone, she suddenly focused on the darkening sky again. She had gotten up early, was getting home late. Two things she didn't like but had gotten used to. 

"Don't mention it," she said. 

Although everyone's attention had been focused on CEO Lee and not his comparatively unimportant colleague Miss Kim, Ji-yoon still got some insight into their overall environment and how everything was going. 

She met important people that pretended to like Taemin in order to win his favour and she got to talk to a few gossipy secretaries who very well know that their bosses didn't quite understand that they could pretty much ruin their entire image if they felt like it. 

It was fun in a way. 

"Anyway," she said, exhaling as she closed her eyes. "Let's order something. Burgers? And fries. I want ice cream too." 

"You are really eating healthy today," Taemin said sarcastically.  

She shrugged. "You said anything I want," she retorted. "Burgers and ice cream at home, while watching TV with my brother." 

"Well then how about we make it a family dinner?" 

She smiled, nodded right away. "I'll call him and tell him to come over," she said. "It's been a while, he'll be happy." 

Taemin agreed, but sighed. "If that boy wouldn't work so much, we would get to see him more often." 

His complaint was genuine and he was also not wrong to bring it up - he was right, after all. However, it was rich coming from him. 

Ji-yoon threw a judging look at the boy that was too focused on the road to notice her glare. Only when she cleared her throat a little too loudly, he realized that he had said something wrong. 

"Do you think you have any right to call him out for being a workaholic when I would probably not get to see you for days as well if I didn't happen to work in the same company as you?" 

She had a point. Taemin swallowed hard. He knew she tried hard to keep up with everyone's lives. Calls, lunch break dates, late-night visits - she did it all. 

Ji-yoon could be a handful sometimes but she was an amazing sister. 

"Sorry," Taemin apologized as he parked his car next to Ji-yoon's on the house's driveway. He turned off the engine. 

Taemin and Ji-yoon opened the car doors simultaneously and stepped into the cold autumn air. The fresh breeze that engulfed them right away, woke them both up. 

"It's getting colder nowadays," Ji-yoon noted under her breath as she started walking towards the house. However, she stopped all of a sudden when Taemin put his suit jacket over her shoulders. 

"So wear more." He spoke out of concern yet his words ended up sounding like an order. 

She smiled regardless. "Yes sir." 

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