54 ⊷ Glitter

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hi i love you all <3


San slowed down as he approached the apartment building. 

"Is this it?" he asked. 

Ji-yoon nodded. "Yep." 

He swiftly parked the car, turned the engine off and gazed up at the building that already lay in darkness. He hummed. 

"Want us to wait here?" 

She shrugged. "You can also come with me. He knows- well, at least Haechan," she said as she looked at the younger, then focused on San. "But he won't mind you too, I'm sure." 

The two agreed and got out of the car with her. They followed her lead into the building, stepping right inside as the front door had been left open. 

"It's pretty cold," San noted. 

"You can just close the door," Ji-yoon said as she watched San push the apartment's front door close. "It's not supposed to be open like that anyway." 

"Good point," he said as the door lock clicked shut.  

"What floor?" Haechan asked. 

The light inside the corridors and hallways turned on automatically, lighting the friends' way. Ji-yoon led them upstairs, not minding using the elevator.

"Second," she said, the two following without complaining. 

Seeing how swiftly she manoeuvred through the building, sure about her destination, Haechan wondered, 

"Have you been here before?" 

She nodded. "Not often though," she said. "But I took care of him when he got sick once because he had no one to look after him." 

"No family?" San inquired. 

"He only has a sister but she lives a few hours away so it was inconvenient and he didn't want to bother his friends."

"He 'bothered' you though," San said.

She shook her head. "He didn't ask me for help, I just did it anyway. He's a bit stubborn."

Haechan hummed. "I guess that's why you two get along so well," he noted causing the girl to laugh softly.  

Their steps slowed down as they reached the door to his apartment. Outside, the cool white light of the hallway shone down onto the three. It crept through cracks and holes, piercing through the dark.

San walked behind the younger two. Unable to look past them, he wondered why they stopped. Stopped dead in their tracks, motionlessly without making an attempt to knock on the door or ring the bell.

It was simple though as there was no need to ask Andy to let them in when the door stood open, the hallway's light fighting with the darkness inside the apartment.

San's eyes jumped to Ji-yoon, awaiting her next move and her direction. Meanwhile, Heachen already reached to open the door further when she stopped him.

She didn't say a word, merely motioned him to let her go ahead which he did. He took a tiny step back, then carefully watched her as she entered.

Inside, the apartment was filled with darkness and silence. The only thing cutting through them were the hallway's light and the slow, continuous dripping sounds that crawled out of one of the rooms.

She turned to San and indicated him to check the rooms to the left, the ones that lay in silence. In the meantime, she herself went to the right. She didn't bother to tell Haechan what to do or where to go, knowing very well that he would follow her to make sure she would be okay.

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