14 ⊷ Cotton

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Everything sounded and felt empty. The colours he saw were washed out. His mind was hazy. He didn't understand what was going on. 

What happened? 

He groaned as he sat up. Probably, at least. He didn't hear himself, he didn't feel the blood dripping down his forehead. 

"Haechan!" It sounded familiar. As familiar as the face that popped into his vision as Jungwoo crouched down in front of him. "Are you okay?" 

Haechan hesitated. He understood him well but everything was too mushed together to actually react or process what was being said. But he could tell from his impatient gaze that he was waiting for some type of reaction. 

So Haechan nodded. He didn't quite realize that he nodded nor did he understand why he did it, but he did it anyway. 

"Where is Ji-yoon?" Jungwoo then asked. He looked behind himself, panic colouring his skin pale white, then looked back at Haechan. "Where is she?!" 

He was shouting but for Haechan it was closer to a whisper. He wondered. 


Right. That car. 

His eyes wandered off to the side. The car's headlights were shining into the now destroyed café. The light reflected off the glasses, cups, metal, shards on the ground. 

It shimmered too. The light shimmered in the blood that covered the ground where her body was lying. 

So Haechan's arm travelled up slowly, finger pointed towards the front of the car which hid most of her behind it. 

Jungwoo's eyes widened as he saw where he was pointing at. 

He got up, ran towards the vehicle and into the demolished café where he dragged her lifeless body away from the car and held it in his arms until help arrived. 

But Haechan couldn't wait. 

His world started spinning, his eyes lost focus. He felt like he couldn't breathe when his eyes fell shut and he let his body drop onto the asphalt behind him. 

He soundlessly gasped in pain as he opened his eyes and tried to move around. Haechan's whole body ached. 

His world was spinning. The light from the setting sun that entered the hospital room through the large windows was uncomfortably bright. 

Since when was it so bright? 

"I'm not surprised about that," Renjun said flatly.  

He sounded tired. He was sitting with his head in his hand, palm pressing against his forehead. His eyes were closed as he gave his best to focus on what the caller was saying. 

Looking around, Haechan saw no one but Renjun here. It didn't surprise him though. After what happened, he was sure the boys wouldn't have been able to stay still. 

They were probably already at the scene, investigating. 

Renjun laughed under his breath. "Yeah, because that makes it any better." 


The clear anger in his voice left behind silence - on both ends of the call. Though Renjun could get irritated easily, he wasn't angry often. 

He took a deep breath. "Chenle, my best friend almost died and you expect me to stay calm?" he grumbled into the phone. "I know that she's still unconscious but I don't care about that girl." 

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