13 ⊷ Tires

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"This could be romantic if you didn't look at me like you wanted to kill me," Ji-yoon mumbled under her breath. 

But Haechan wasn't in the mood. Not when Chenle got called to an important last-minute meeting and then left Haechan and Ji-yoon somewhere on the side of the road. 

No, he didn't feel like making this romantic. 

Help was on the way, however, ready to break up the tense atmosphere. Help in the form of a phone call. 

Ji-yoon took her phone out of her bag. As it was buzzing in her hand, she scanned the name of the caller. It was that name that made her furrow her brows. 

Haechan noticed her confusion, which was why he took a quick glimpse at her phone before she put it up to her ear. 

A heart. 

The name was just a single heart. 

"Yeah?" she asked, eyes on the ground as she listened closely. She hummed, nodded along and at the very end parted her lips in surprise. She shook her head. "Are you sure?" 

Her curiosity, concern and bewilderment were all genuine. They pulled neatly through the tone of her voice. He couldn't spot an ounce of insincerity. 

It was odd though. She sounded like she always did, just with different emotions pulling at the highs and lows of her words, shortening and lengthening them. 

Listening to her like this... why was he so sure that her bubbly, flirty persona was fake?

"But who authorized that?" she urged. 

Immerged in the conversation, she didn't keep much attention to where she was going. Though she was placing one put in front of the other, she was moving in what was far from a straight line.  

Seeing how to her right was a highly frequented road, Haechan quickly put his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her to the sight, switching places with her. 

She didn't seem to notice it, making him wonder what was so important. 

"Now?" she asked in surprise. "Can I bring Haechan?" 

She didn't even look at him though so Haechan tapped her shoulder in surprise. He pointed at himself and mouthed a wondering 'me?' at which she just nodded. 

"Who told you that?" she asked with an awkward laugh. "No, don't worry. Everyone in Dream is really nice to me." 

Haechan wasn't sure whether she was lying or not. It sounded genuine but he couldn't really tell. 

He watched as she held her phone against her ear and used her free arm to call for a taxi. 

And soon enough, they got a ride. 

"Tell me where," she ordered as she opened the car door. She quickly grabbed Haechan's hand and pulled him into the taxi with her. Not questioning it, he went along and closed the car door.  

With her phone hovering over her chest, she leaned closer to the driver.
"Café 7 on Czennies Street, please." 

And the woman started driving. 

"Okay, we will be there in ten minutes," she told heart. "Wait for us."  

That was the last thing she said before she hung up. 

Ji-yoon let her hand with her phone in it drop into her lap, while she had her eyes seemingly glued to the back of the driver's seat. 

She took a deep breath, ran a hand through her hair. She pressed her head against the headrest and mumbled, 
"I missed something." 

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