36 ⊷ Quietly

883 51 21

two softies </3


It was tense inside the office. Felix waited impatiently, leaned against his friend's desk. He looked down at his phone. 

"Man where are you?" he mumbled to himself right as the door swung open. With a hopeful glimmer in his eyes, Felix looked up, yet was quickly disappointed when he saw JYP enter the office instead. 

He pushed himself off the desk, straightened his back and bowed politely. 

"Where's Changbin?" JYP asked strictly. 

"He is..." Felix hesitated, cleared his throat to gain some time which made the whole situation only more awkward. "Actually he-" 

"Is running late," Changbin said as he entered the room. Despite knowing how much his boss hated tardiness, he was utterly relaxed. He just couldn't find himself to stress when he could offer JYP probably the most useful piece of information he had received in a while. 

But since he didn't know this just yet, the older raised a brow, daring Changbin to keep up with his blithe attitude. 

Which he did. 

"Why are you so late?" JYP inquired. 

Changbin set his bag down and gave Felix a reassuring look before he lay his eyes on JYP again. 
"I was busy over the weekend," he said. "Someone visited me." 

The older noticed his friend's surprised and somewhat unsettled gaze as he walked past both of them to close the doors so no one would hear them. 

So no one would hear them when he told them that, "Juno found me." 

While Felix was shocked to hear that, immediately worried for his friend's safety, JYP showed no such concern. He was, however, quite interested in what Changbin was going to say next. 

"What did they do?" Felix asked urgently. 

"She just wanted to talk," Changbin said with a shrug, then laughed. "But that girl only spewed nonsense. Saying things like CEO Park is responsible for what happened to my family when I very well know that he is the only one I can fully rely on."

And JYP, loving his compliments and any attention he could get, was shamelessly proud when he heard that. He let Changbin boost his ego before agreeing with him and only enhancing how he already felt: Juno was the bad guy and JYP was only trying to fight that. The sides were clear, the colours black and white. 

"Do you know who it is?" the CEO asked curiously, watching Changbin cautiously. 

He was quick to shake his head. "I have no idea." He exhaled heavily, seeming exhausted only talking about that girl. "But we need to stop her. She is an inconvenience. I am sure from here on out, she is only going to cause us more and more problems." 

Creating a temporary silence in which all three gathered their thoughts and tried to come up with an idea on how to get rid of her, Changbin's words echoed through the others' heads. If they didn't know who it was and what she wanted... 

How on earth were they supposed to catch her? 

So far, she had left not a single trace and none of JYP's or Changbin's men was still alive. So far, Changbin was the only person that survived an encounter with the girl. Whether that was good or bad for him - he didn't dare worry about that. 

"Isn't she somehow related to LTM?" Changbin asked eventually, attracting the two others' attention. "She is either always there to save its employees or she avenges them." 

Felix quickly caught on. He let out an understanding 'oh' before he asked, 
"You want to use them as bait?" 

"Aren't these two boys still in the hospital?" he wondered. 

Felix nodded. "Lee Jeno and Osaki Shotaro. I heard they were hurt quite badly so they are still recovering." But as quickly as he had said that, he already stopped the possible plan right there. "They have security. It will be hard to enter their room." 

"I don't think that'll be the main problem," JYP said, yet seemed uncertain what to think of the proposal. "But it's quite risky. It might not work in the way we want. It would be better to take one of the other employees."

And while JYP's quick refusal shouldn't have left any room to argue, Changbin couldn't quite agree with his boss this time. Judging this based on practicality, targeting a new employee would have been easier, of course. 

But JYP was missing something. 

"CEO Park," Changbin began, polite as ever yet his confidence echoed through his words. Although today's daringness irritated JYP it also made him curious, which is why he allowed Changbin to go on. "Yes, it would be easier to take one of the others. But the problem is that Jeno and Shotaro are both witnesses. They already agreed to testify and if they are at all related to that news outlet WayV, then this might create even more trouble than we can think of." 

Changbin kept his eyes on JYP at first to see his reaction, yet when the oldest looked away for a moment to properly think about this, Changbin looked at Felix. The youngest of the three seemed a little unsure. He wanted to support his friend, yet going against JYP was risky. 

When he saw the reassuring smile and small nod that Changbin gave him, however, he could only smile back and agree. 

"I think that is fairly reasonable," Felix supported his friend's idea. "Plus, the other employees must be really alert right now as well. None of them is easy to target. If we lure her into the hospital then, at the very least, we will have her on camera. There is no way she is going to escape us this time." 

JYP raised a brow, stepped closer to Felix who stiffened right away. He gulped, watching the oldest closely. 

"And what about the camera's that will record us?" 

"That should not be a problem," Changbin quickly defended the younger. He stepped closer as well in order to pop into JYP's vision. "We can hack that - we did that before." 

Despite pretending that it wasn't the case, this was indeed the better option. JYP didn't want this to blow up and he wanted as few people to know about this as possible. So having witnesses was something he neither wanted nor could afford to have. 

"Can we deal with this quietly?" JYP asked urgently. It was obvious that only after having this confirmed he could possibly think of agreeing to this. "We shouldn't unsettle mayor Kang for this." 

That they should not, meant they could not. Because this whole matter was daring to get out of hand and JYP couldn't be sure that the mayor would have his back. 

"No need to worry," Changbin said confidently as he put a hand on Felix's shoulder. "No one will know."


It's been a while, I am so sorry! Life has been way too stressful lately but I managed to update now (although it's a shorter chapter)~~ 

I hope everyone is doing well and his enjoying their holidays! Stay safe 💚

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