50 ⊷ Glad

777 37 4

next story's gonna be a Haechan princess au 😩💔


Pitch black. 

Endless darkness that he couldn't see the beginning of. 

San propped his elbows up on the railing, a half-empty bottle of whiskey in his hand. He looked down at the water below. 

It could swallow him whole and yet he wasn't the least bit scared. After all, his life was already pitch black. Wherever he looked was nothing but faded colours and muffled sounds. 

A lifeless place without even a hunch of happiness.

It is all useless, he thought as he lifted himself up, bringing one leg over the railing. 

I am useless, he thought as he brought the second leg over the railing. His fingers were only loosely wrapped around its metal bars. A strong wind or a slight push and he would be gone. 

The world before him was tumbling. Spinning. He was one step away from leaving this misery behind him. One step away from getting rid of the unmeasurable guilt he felt. 

One step. 

"If you're gonna jump," a voice said nonchalantly, "can I have the whiskey?" 

San looked to his side where he spotted a young girl about his age looking at him. He frowned. 


"I mean, it'd be a waste," she thought out loud. "Plus, if you just take that down with you that would be littering. So you might as well give it to me." 

It was due to her bizarre reaction to this situation that he wondered if this girl was even real or if he was just too out of it. 

"Are you serious?" he asked. 

She hummed, tilted her head from left to right. "Kind of?" She stepped closer so that she was standing right next to him - merely on the railing's other side. "Why do you wanna jump?"

Confused, unsure what to say, he didn't say anything at first. He just looked at her and so she changed her question to, 

"Is there anything I can help with?" 

He scoffed. "No one can help me," he said with a heavy chest. "No one believes me. And even if they did, no one would want to get on his bad side anyway." 

Intrigued, the girl looked at San curiously. She didn't know what was going on. But this? It sounded interesting and that was all she needed. 

"Give it a shot," she dared him, excited about what he was going to say. 

However, San seemed to feel more and more confused with every word the girl said.

"What do you mean?" 

"You said no one believes you," she reminded him. "Try." 

He laughed in disbelief. "Didn't you listen? Even if you were to believe me, you wouldn't want to go against him," he urged. 


San was so confident that he didn't even feel it was necessary to name the man that caused him all this sorrow. To the girl, however, this made it all the more intriguing. 

She grinned. She didn't seem to take the situation seriously. 

She was enjoying herself on the brink of someone else's death.

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