24 ⊷ Pizza

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I'm still waiting for that 2019 yearbook, Doyoung


Ji-yoon balanced three boxes of pizza in one hand, held a bag of drinks in the other. Dressed in a pretty dress that was obviously more than just elegant office wear, she pushed the door to the Dreamie's office open. 

She didn't bother to knock or make her presence known. She just entered, put down the food and drinks on the coffee table before taking a seat on the sofa. 

Each of her moves was closely watched by the Dreamies - minus Jeno - who were, although not surprised by her behaviour, still a little thrown off by the view. 

Haechan was first to ask,
"Why are you here?"

And Renjun soon followed by questioning,
"Why are you dressed like that?"

Before Jisung eventually asked the important questions, 
"Is the pizza for us?" 

Ji-yoon quickly nodded. "Eat up. Take something to drink as well." 

As she was saying that, she opened one of the boxes and grabbed a slice of pizza herself. She quickly took a bite, hummed in satisfaction. 

Jisung was the first to join her. He sat down next to her and thanked her quickly before digging in. Jaemin and Chenle paused what they were doing to join her in the front of the office as well, leaving only Renjun and Haechan still sitting in the back. 

"The conference is beginning soon," Ji-yoon answered the boys' questions eventually. "I was in the office to finish some work. I got hungry and decided to eat before I leave for the conference and thought I would buy some for you too while I was at it." 

After listening to her explanation, even Haechan decided to join her and the others, and Renjun, after seeing Haechan getting up, did the same. 

He grabbed a can of coke, then sat down. "That big conference with all the major local companies?"

Ji-yoon nodded right away, yet took a little while to answer as she was still busy chewing on her bite of pizza. Taking advantage of that moment of silence, Renjun asked something else. 

"I thought that was for the CEOs?" 

"It is," she said after swallowing. "But of course you can take someone with you. A company has several important people in it." 

"Taemin asked you to come?" Chenle smiled, not waiting for a reply. "He usually just takes his secretary with him." 

"He doesn't like this conference, so it's not that he didn't want me to join, he just never felt like there was any use in doing so," she pointed out. 

"I always thought these conferences are good opportunities for networking," Jisung mentioned.

"Well, yeah," she agreed hesitantly. "But this one in particular acts more as an ego booster for the guests. Everyone there just talks about themselves and how great they are." 

Curious about that, Jisung leaned closer to Chenle instead of asking the girl directly. 
"Then why is Taemin going?" 

Chenle, who was just about to reach for another slice of pizza, stopped and hummed. He glimpsed at the girl shortly then looked back at the boy. 

"Just for fun," he said. "He comes every year, then leaves early. People talk about that a lot. They either think it's interesting or think he's arrogant. It gets them talking while he just thinks it's funny." 

While he explained that, Ji-yoon nodded along, smiling as she remembered the time that Taemin told her about it. She had always wondered why he never stayed long and never wanted her to come along. 

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