56 ⊷ Tears

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reminder of what happened: Kang (mayor) and Park (CEO of JYP) have been caught and are facing a lawsuit. Andy has been found dead in his apartment. Ji-yoon was arrested, while San and Haechan went to get help from Chenle. 


Although he had tried, Officer Kim never managed to get Ji-yoon to try and sleep or, at the very least, relax. He could tell by the red strokes that pulled through her eyes' white and by her steadily fading energy that she was in dire need of rest. 

However, even at half past seven in the morning, she had yet to get even just a minute of sleep. 

The young officer's workday was about to end, with a mere 30 minutes left to go. Yet somehow, he felt uncomfortable at the thought of leaving her alone. 

"Miss Kim, you should really try and sleep," he urged her, standing in front of her cell. He looked in through the thick bars that separated them. "You don't know when you will get out of here." 

Ji-yoon had purposefully moved far enough away so that he couldn't reach her. Sitting here, all alone in silence with nothing but her thoughts was draining. Not being able to help or do anything was torturous. 

Her back was pressed against the wall. She was sitting on the bench in the back, head leaned against the hard surface behind her. 

"It's nice of you," she told him earnestly, "but you shouldn't sympathise with people so easily in your job. It might get you in trouble." 

He scoffed. "I think especially in my position I should be able to sympathise with others." 

She hummed. "That's fine then," she said lowly, trying to get this conversation to stop.  

"Miss Kim-"

"Just say Ji-yoon, please," she asked of him, getting annoyed at hearing him call her that. It might have been her general dislike for formality. It might also have been that the constant Miss Kim reminded her a little too much of Andy's mocking politeness towards her. 

With a heavy sigh, he gave in. He had tried to speak firmly and softly, to be assertive and pleading. Nothing worked, causing his heart to ache for the distraught girl that had rid herself of any joking remarks and sarcastic smiles a few hours into her stay. 

During these few hours, a lot had passed through her mind. She had asked herself what she had done wrong, what she had failed to see and what she could do to make up for it. 

There was nothing though. 

She had let someone close to her get hurt - worse, even killed - once again. In her mind, there was no one else to blame for this but herself. 

As he stood there, trying to come up with anything of use to say, he ignored the click of the entrance door as it opened, then fell shut not much later. 

In stepped two boys, confidently making their way towards the senior officer's desk, who was just as tired as the young Officer Kim at the end of his long shift. 

He looked up, watching as they came to a halt in front of his desk. One was dressed casually, a warm jacket partially covering the white shirt that was tugged into his dark blue jeans. 

The other one wore strongly contrasting attire. Dark grey suit jacket and pants, a black button-up with the first two buttons open. He carried a bag in his hand, yet it was hidden by the desk.  

The confidence with which they carried themselves was outstanding, immediately making the senior officer wonder just who the two were. 

"May I help you?" the officer asked, failing to gather enough energy to offer a more energetic greeting. 

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