11 ⊷ House

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the way I love them 💔😔


Chenle stopped the car in front of a house. 

Not a simple house though. 

Its windows stretched to reach from the ground to the ceiling. Wood and stone covered the outside. From what one could see, the interior matched the luxurious outside of the building. 

Two cars stood in front of the house, fitting the overall feeling that, yes, the people that lived here were indeed rich. 

At first, Haechan didn't even bother to move, let alone get out of the car. 

Surely Chenle wasn't being serious, right? There was no way that Ji-yoon lived--

The car door slammed shut and Chenle motioned for Haechan to get out of the car and follow him. 

Baffled, the older did just that and hurried over to Chenle who was already on his way to the house's front door. 

As he reached him, all Haechan said was, 

"Seriously?" He had both brows raised but Chenle was more than unimpressed. 

"Yeah," he said with a shrug. "That's her address." 

Awe. In awe at how big and luxurious the building ahead was. 

Confused. Confused because Chenle really seemed like he was not even the tiniest bit surprised. 

"You don't find it odd that she can afford to live here?" Haechan urged. 

"She doesn't live alone," Chenle retorted. They reached the door, rang the bell. 

"Then whom does she live with?"

Chenle didn't bother to answer that though - he considered it unnecessary. After all, Haechan was going to see for himself in just a moment. 

Or maybe two. 

Three, perhaps? 

It was a big house after all. 

Eventually, however, after those moments had passed, the door opened and Haechan was surprised to see-- 

"CEO Lee?" he asked with a frown. 

Taemin smiled. He looked dashing as always. Perfectly fitting suit, hair styled neatly, his bag already in his hand's tight grip. 

"Just call me Taemin," he offered kindly and Haechan was quick to nod in agreement.

Right after that, the oldest looked over his shoulder and back into the hall behind him only to spot... well, nothing.

There was no one there.  

He sighed, then shouted a very loud but still gentle-sounding, 
"Joon! The agents are here!" 

Which was quickly followed by a, "Be right there!"

His eyes jumped from the staircase behind him to his watch. He grimaced when he saw the time and quickly looked back at the younger boys. 

"I'm sorry but I have to go, I'm running late," he said politely. "Feel free to wait inside." 

Before he left the house, he pushed the door open a little wider and motioned for the two boys to enter. 

"Bye, have a nice day," Chenle said and waved Taemin goodbye who soon vanished behind his car's tinted window. 

As Haechan watched the youngest he quickly got reminded of the fact that Taemin and he were friends. He had almost forgotten about it, yet it was what explained his casual behaviour. It explained why he wasn't surprised. 

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