6 ⊷ Idiots

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JYP's CEO Park Jin-young involved in serial murder case? 

That was the headline of the day. The headline that Yangyang topped off by adding the very pithy subheading 

If I die, it was probably him.

To be frank, Yangyang had been very proud of his articles lately. They were well researched, featured mysterious anonymous sources and attempted to give an insight on the public's perception - or lack thereof - of the current situation. 

The online newspaper had many avid readers. Drawn in by the flashy titles and pictures at first, they stay for the witty writing and the informative yet compact articles. 

We are your vision - the vision that lets the people see what is really going on in the world.  

Ji-yoon sat on the kitchen counter, an apple in her hand.
"I like the free food I get here," she mumbled as she took a bite. "I should visit more often." 

"You visit almost every day," Kun pointed out. 

Ji-yoon grinned. "But I know you love having me here." Kun just smiled in return, then continued typing. "By the way, where are Hendery and Lucas?" 

"They are out researching for--" Yangyang began when the doorbell rang. He stopped, looked at the entrance curiously. "Are they back already?" He sounded doubtful. 

"I'll get it," Ten said as he stepped through the room and soon reached the entrance door that he pulled open swiftly. He pushed a small breath out in surprise. "Why are you guys...?" 

"Where is that idiot?" Haechan asked. Ji-yoon smiled at the familiar voice. 

Before answering, Ten hesitated. "Yangyang or Ji-yoon?" 

Yangyang laughed in return but the girl dropped her smile immediately.
"I didn't even do anything," she muttered knowing very well that Ten couldn't care less about her protest. 

"She's here?" Haechan asked, then took a few steps inside, followed by Yuta, and Jaehyun, until he spotted her in the kitchen, half-eaten apple in her hand. 

She locked eyes with him. "Hey Sunshine." 

"Hey nuisance," Haechan greeted back.

She frowned. "Uncalled for." 

"Why are you even here?" 

"For the food. You?" 

"Not because of you, at least," he muttered before walking over to Yangang. 

Ji-yoon sighed, looked down at her apple. "Someday you will enjoy my presence," she said and continued eating. 

"Your confidence is admirable," Kun mentioned, not taking his eyes off the screen. The girl smiled thankfully. 

Meanwhile, Haechan had come to a halt in front of Yangyang who got up to meet his friend at eye level. 

He swallowed hard. "Hey~"

But Haechan cut him off by more or less gently knocking against the younger boy's forehead. Yangyang quickly covered it with his hand, pouting a little. 

"Ow," he mumbled. 

Meanwhile, Haechan inhaled sharply through his teeth. "I could've sworn there's something in there." 

"I didn't do anything dumb this time!" Yangyang pointed out. 

"He's right," Ji-yoon supported him. 

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