61 ⊷ Jump

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Happy New Year!! 💚


The walls surrounding her were familiar. She had never been here before. However, the bare walls, the piles of dirt and the occasional piece of furniture left behind weren't unique to this old building. In fact, it looked a lot like the one in which she had come across JYP. 

Upon feeling a tug at her wrist, her attention shifted to something else. She didn't bother turning her head and attempting to get a glimpse of the person next to her. There was no need to look at her since she already knew who it was. 

"You can tie the rope tighter, Min-jun," Ji-yoon said with a smirk despite her throat feeling dry. "That makes it more exciting." 

Min-jun scoffed and gave it another strong pull before she got up on her feet. "You better be quiet." 

"Or what?" she asked, smirk turning into a grin. "Will you kill me? Go ahead~" 

"Are you actually insane?" the girl questioned as she stepped in front of Ji-yoon. She pulled her hood off her head. 

She frowned. "You killed my friend and kidnapped me," she pointed out, "but you are asking me if I am insane?"

"You had it coming," she warned. 

"Wow," Ji-yoon exhaled. "Scary scary." 

Min-jun clenched her jaw, annoyed at how nonchalant she acted. At how little she cared. She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath to relax. She wanted to see her dead but she needed answers first. 

"How did you figure out it was me?" 

"Oh," Ji-yoon exhaled in surprise. She grimaced awkwardly when she realized, "Oh no... you thought you were being slick? Damn sorry." 

Every word Ji-yoon spoke angered Min-jun only more. With a swift movement, she pulled a knife out of her pocket. She aimed it at the girl who looked at it, barely impressed at all. 

Still, she decided to answer. "For one, my boyfriend caught you staring at Alice and me not so subtly and decided to look into you," she said. "But also, your car is registered under your mom's name." She laughed. "I didn't know dead people could drive."

"Don't talk about her like that!" Min-jun warned, bringing the knife closer. 

"Oh sorry, we are not here to talk about your mom, are we?" she wondered. "We're here so I can tell you all about your sweet sweet father and how he died." 

Getting more upset by the second, Min-jun had to take a step back to avoid going too far too soon. She scoffed, side-eyeing the girl. 

"You are talking big as if you didn't end up here despite already knowing that it was me," Min-jun mocked her. "'Juno'? To have so many scared of your name alone and yet you are nothing special." 

Ji-yoon looked at the girl in front of her emptily. She didn't want to talk about this right now, it was a little too boring. 

"Why Andy?" she asked instead. She was almost certain that she knew the reason yet felt the need to make sure she wasn't wrong. 

Min-jun laughed. "Do you think you are in the position to ask questions?" 

"Yeah," she replied drily. "Because you want to hear what happened to your dad and there is no way to get me to talk other than answering my questions first." 

She didn't know Ji-yoon enough to be able to tell whether she was bluffing or not but considering her behaviour so far, it was hard to believe that she was just acting. 

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