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god has favourites: exhibit a


Ji-yoon rested her head on Haechan's lap who stroked her hair gently. He was no doctor, yet he could tell that she had lost a decent amount of blood and so he couldn't help his nervosity when he saw how her eyes were slowly closing bit by bit. 

"We're almost home," he told her. "Don't sleep now." 

"I'm tired though," she complained. 

Haechan hummed knowingly. "Hang in there." 

"Five minutes," San let them know as he made a turn. The buzzing from the passenger seat caught his attention. Once he noticed that it was Ji-yoon's phone that was ringing, he picked it up and gave it to Haechan. "Can you answer?" 

Incoming call from President Lele

"Sure," Haechan agreed ere picking up, putting the call on speaker. "Hey Chenle." 

"Oh, hey Haechan," Chenle greeted him back, sounding happy to hear his voice as if he hadn't just seen him a couple of minutes ago. "Where's Ji-yoon?" 

"Here~" the girl said. "Lying on your agent's lap~" 

Chenle laughed. "Good for you," he ended up saying. "I called to say that we just dropped Park and his secretary off at our office since the police station isn't an option." 

"Yeah Kang would pull some strings to either get them out or get them killed," Haechan noted which Chenle agreed with. 

"Jeno, Jaemin and Jisung will stay there with them." 

He paused for a moment and brought his hand up to the phone's speaker as he talked to someone. Eventually, he continued talking by asking for, 


The girl turned her head a little towards the phone. "Yeah?" 

"Renjun and I will go pick up WayV now," he told her. "I know you let Sungchan bring them to your place for safety reasons but you can't host that many people." 

The girl frowned. "Why not? It's a big house." 

Chenle sighed, already knowing that she would say this. "Yes, but I am sure you will let Haechan, Yangyang, Changbin and Felix stay over too. At least for tonight." 

"Of course," she said. "Wooyoung's there, so they should be there too." 

"I get that," he agreed. "But Kai and San will probably stay over too, to guard you and the others. Then there's Jungwoo who will probably not want to go home since his sister is injured and then Sungchan--"

"Okay," she stopped him. "Okay, yeah, I get it, stop being reasonable." 

Laughing to himself, Chenle reassured that, "Renjun and I will take care of the guys. You can send Sungchan to help us too, if you want." 

"I'll tell him," she agreed with the idea. "Are you sure though? That's extra work for you guys." 

Chenle huffed. "It's not like they aren't our friends too. Why would we mind spending time with them?" 

Reluctantly, yet she gave in eventually. "Alright." She turned away from the phone. "Do as you wish." 

"Thanks boss," Chenle said jokingly ere hanging up. 

Just after the call ended, San pulled up to her house. He brought the car to a hold, then got out and helped Ji-yoon out of the car and over to the house. 

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