48 ⊷ Death

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today I present to you one of my favourite Haechan pics

Also: in case you are as bad with names as me, In-sik is the dude that betrayed LTM and stole the AI for JYP


San reached out to grab Ji-yoon's hand. 

She looked back at him, quickly spotting the crinkle between his eyes. 

"Please be careful," he pleaded, voice low since they were mere meters away from the entrance to the old office building that Jeno and Shotaro had been in back then. 

She nodded. "I will." 

"Promise me not to get hurt," he urged. He was more on edge than usual, more emotional. It was understandable, unsurprising. 

She offered him a gentle smile in hopes it would ease his mind. 

"Promise." She looked at him expectantly. "Happy now?" 

Though he hesitated, he ended up nodding. 'Happy' wasn't the word he would have chosen but this was enough. 

"When's DREAM coming?" she asked. 

"They're almost here," Kai told her. 

"Remember to give them their earpieces then," Ji-yoon reminded him. 

Kai nodded curtly. "I will," he said before telling her, "don't turn your mic off." 

"Yessir," she said, offering the two one more smile before she made her way into the building.  

Torn between finding comfort in the familiarity of the environment and being irritated by the fact that this was the place Park chose to bring them to, Ji-yoon almost didn't realize the man sneaking up on her. 

She stopped walking when she heard the click of the safety button of his gun. It was probably supposed to be threatening but Ji-yoon couldn't get herself to be impressed by any of it, not even when the gun's muzzle pressed into the back of her head. 

Instead, she sighed. She turned around so that she could clearly see the gun pointed at her - and the man holding it. 

"Hey In-sik," she greeted him in a friendly manner before saying, "should've killed your incompetent ass back when you betrayed us." 

The man scoffed, finding amusement in her arrogance despite her situation. It was him who had a gun pointed at her, not the other way round. Her confidence was baffling. 

"Incompetent?" he questioned. "Don't you have eyes? I could shoot you any second, you are at my mercy--"

Ji-yoon disarmed the man. 

"Fucking idiot," she muttered ere she swung her leg up to his head and slammed her shin against it. He dropped to the ground, making her frown. "Weaker than I thought." 

"What was that?" San asked. 

"Nothing much," Ji-yoon assures. "But can someone pick up the unconscious man lying in the entrance hall?" 

It was quiet on the other end for a moment. "Sure," Kai said, humoured. "Since I am already coming in do you want me to-"

"No, stay away," she ordered. "We don't know what he will do if he sees I'm not alone." 

"I'm sure he knows anyway," San pointed out. 

Ji-yoon took a deep breath. "I won't repeat myself." 

"But--" San stopped abruptly. "Don't hit me!" he said to Kai before turning his mic off. 

With the gun in her hand, she walked further inside. She was mindful to be quiet despite the noise that that little interaction with In-sik had created. 

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