39 ⊷ Disappointment

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[double update my lovely people! chapter 38 & 39 were uploaded at the same time!]

Kai x Haechan collab when


Not much later, the door opened again when someone rang the doorbell.

Haechan was the first to get up and check who it was, anticipating to see--

"Oh," he exhaled. His face was dipped in disappointment, yet he pretended that his forced smile was genuine. "Hey guys."

Chenle frowned, glimpsed back at the two other boys behind him. "Why does he sound so disappointed?" 

"Because he is~" Jaemin said mockingly as he stepped out of the living room and joined his friends. He grinned as he watched Haechan take a step back to allow everyone to get inside. "He was hoping you guys were someone else." 

"Ah. He's finally realizing he likes her company, huh?" Chenle asked as he took his shoes off. While Haechan frowned upon that remark, Renjun shook his head. 

"He's not that dense, I am sure he figured it out a while ago. Am I right?" the oldest asked, eyes on Haechan who stared back at him wordlessly. "Oh. What? For real?" 

Chenle patted Renjun's shoulder. "I told you." 

"Where is Joon?" Jisung meanwhile asked. 

"At work." 

"She has been working a lot lately," he noted as he closed the door behind him. 

And said door would stay closed for almost an hour until there was another knock pushing into the house. 

Haechan hurried to open it and-- 

"Who are you?" 

"Kai," the boy introduced himself sombrely. He bowed his head politely as he explained, "Joon asked me to keep her Sunshine safe." 

Haechan wasn't faced by it anymore. He had gotten used to that name to a point where neither random people calling him by it, nor the amused smirk of his opposite could make him regret letting her address him like that. 

However, it still posed a question: 

"Does she really call me Sunshine even when I am not around?"

Kai hummed. "What do you think?"

"Nevermind," was all he said before he turned around and allowed Kai to come inside. 

Once more, the door fell in its lock.


"Hey Haechan," Wooyoung greeted the boy happily. "How are you?" 

"Fine," was all he offered him before he turned around and walked back to the living room, where he passed Kai who made his way to the doctor. 

"Don't take it to heart," Kai told the younger boy. 

Wooyoung closed the door behind him. "Is he okay?" 

"Yeah," Kai said with a smile. "Just kinda slow." 

As if he caught on right away, Wooyoung nodded understandingly before following Kai into the living room. 

Inside, Jeno and Shotaro were both resting on the sofa, the rest of the Dreamies having found spots on the floor or armchairs or somewhere else. While most of them were relaxing, Haechan and Jaemin were preparing food and cleaning up after their friends. 

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