59 ⊷ Snacks

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the picture doesn't match the chapter but I thought it was funny


Ji-yoon had expected a call. If not for the simple purpose of checking up on her, then because she had told Haechan to 'meet her at home', making him believe that that was where she was as well. 

Which soon turned out to have been a lie. 

"Next time, wait for me," Haechan muttered through the speakers, exhausted by Ji-yoon's behaviour. 

"I didn't want you to come back to the office just to pick me up. Especially since I only have to go to the car. It's a five-minute walk," she pointed out as she sat down in the vehicle and locked the doors. She checked the seats behind her, her paranoia increasing her cautiousness. 

"I don't mind though," Haechan argued. "Don't do this again." 

"Okay, sorry," she said. "I didn't know what you had to discuss with Renjun so I didn't want to interrupt." 

"Just interrupt me, please," he pleaded. "Do whatever you want but please don't make me worry like this." 

Ji-yoon had to smile. She felt bad to be causing him to worry. However, she was also happy to have him so concerned about her. At this point, it was no longer a secret that he liked her and yet Ji-yoon still got excited at the thought of him being so caring. 

"Sorry Sunshine," she apologized again. 

He sighed. "It's okay. Where are you? In the car?" 

"Yep." She turned the keys, the engine now running. After checking left and right, she drove out of her parking spot. "I am on my way now. I locked the doors, checked the seats behind me. All good. I will be home in fifteen minutes." 

"Alright, then I will wait. Let's call until you get here," he said,  

"You sound tired though. Just sit down, make tea, watch some TV," she suggested. "I will be there in a bit."

"I want to talk to you though." 

"I am fine," she promised. 

"But I won't be if you hang up," he warned, getting irritated as he could tell that she was trying to end the call.  

Ji-yoon sighed. "Sunshine~"

"No discussion about that." 

To soothe Haechan's mind, she ended up not hanging up. They talked for a couple of minutes, a casual and little exciting conversation. 

Every now and then, Ji-yoon would glimpse at the rearview mirror. Her eyes were drawn to the brightly shining headlights of the car behind her. When she looked back at the road ahead, she realized she had to turn left here. 

And so she turned right. 

"I will stop by the grocery store," Ji-yoon told Haechan as she drove towards the construction site ahead. It was fairly big, all these concrete and bricks soon to be turned into generic, boring apartment complexes. 

However, besides it being big, it was also empty at this time of the day. A small area reserved for the workers' vehicles in front of it was left accessible, while the rest of the premises was fenced off. 

"Oh, no," Haechan said right away. "No, you will not."

 Ji-yoon frowned. "Why?" 

"'Why'?" he questioned. "You sound like that one character that dies at the beginning of the story." 

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