37 ⊷ Emergency

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their smiles alone could stop a war

that's just my opinion but I stand by it 


At night, it got quiet. Even inside the hospital halls, the world seemed to be moving slower. As if death offered the people a moment to breathe while life pretended to be endless just for a while. 

Calm were also the steps of the doctors and nurses that moved slowly through the halls. Their tired feet could only carry them so fast and so far, creating unison with a leisurely spinning planet. 

Suddenly, between that sterile floor and those plain walls, appeared an oddly idyllic scene. It was filled with the fleeting glimpses one would occasionally catch when passing by one of the windows. Filled with the late-night conversations the staff was having and the snores that crept through some of the doors as one passed them. 

Even at this hour, the lights inside the halls shone brightly, while the rooms lay in darkness. Of course, sometimes the nightly patient room's silence would get interrupted as well. Maybe because a patient couldn't sleep or because a nurse would kindly offer them a reminder to take their medicine. 

Or perhaps, as dreaded as it was, there would be an emergency. Some patients would get woken up by it. It would create anxious turmoil until it was dealt with - one way or another. 

It was odd though. 

Because no one thought that at a calm night like today's, the ones to be the cause for that emergency would be the two young boys that were recovering so well. 

Who could have guessed that only ten minutes past midnight, Jeno and Shotaro would be taking their last breaths? 

Dressed in a black suit, hands in front of his torso, fingers interlocked loosely. The security guard was leaning against the wall next to the door that led to the boys' room. 

As an unfamiliar doctor approached him, he straightened his back and took a step to the side, placing himself between the doctor and the door. 

With an awkward smile, the doctor presented him his ID. It looked just like all the others. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing to worry about. Just someone the security guard hadn't come across yet. And so he took a step to the side, bowed his head politely and allowed the doctor to enter the room. 

Inside, it was quiet. The room lay in darkness, with only the little light that entered through the open curtains of the big windows guiding the doctor to the boys' beds. He didn't know who occupied which bed. He didn't even know what the boys looked like. 

Not that it mattered. 

He didn't need that to take out the two small ampoules that he had hidden in his white coat or to find the syringe that was carefully tugged away in the back pocket of his trousers. 

As he walked up to the first bed, his eyes fell onto the sleeping boy. He couldn't make out any of his features. All he heard was soft snoring, steady breathing. 

Breaths that didn't sound like they were his last, as the man filled the syringe and then injected the liquid into the first boy's IV bag. He hurried over to the other one, well aware that time was of the essence here. 

The ampoules clinked as he put them back into his white coat, then safely hid the syringe in his pocket again before swiftly leaving the room. 

As he passed the security guard he gave him a curt nod, then made his way over to the elevators. He waited a few tense seconds and blankly stared at the metal before his eyes, ere a ding sounded through the hallway and the door slid open. He stepped inside right away and watched as the doors closed. 

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