60 ⊷ Again

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it's the last day of 2022 

how did the year pass so quickly


Ji-yoon's hands were a little shaky. Whether driving back home was a good idea or not was beyond questionable, yet she had made it home and so there was no need to wonder uselessly.

She took a deep breath, narrowed her eyes at the front door's lock and put her entire focus on being able to get the key in it. 

First try! 

Proudly, she pushed the door open, then closed it carefully behind her. However, despite her being quiet, Haechan still heard her. He hurried into the entrance hallway right away - only to stop once he saw her. 

His gaze immediately dropped down to the red stain on her shirt. She smiled awkwardly, a look on her face like that of a teenager that just got caught by her parents sneaking into the house after staying out late. 

She smiled awkwardly. "Hey~"

"Are you kidding?" he asked lowly, trying his best not to mix his worry with anger seeing how that felt pointless. "Wooyoung!" he called as he stepped closer to the girl that was just done dropping her bag to the floor. She slowly took off her shoes, finding it difficult to move too much. 

"What's Wooyoung doing here?" she wondered. 

"I asked him to come because I knew you'd do something dumb," Haechan said as he crouched down and helped her take her shoes off. She easily spotted the tone in his voice, yet couldn't see his expression since he was looking down. 

"...sorry," she said carefully, eyes on the back of his head. She shyly tugged at the fabric of his shirt. "Sunshine?"

"Joon, I'm trying really hard to be calm and understanding," he said rather quietly, doing what he could to keep his anger in check. "But what exactly were you thinking?" 

"I was just... I wanted to..." she tried her best to reason, yet soon figured she didn't know what to say. "I'm okay though." 

Haechan got up, a brow raised. He disapproved of that comment and made sure to let her know. His gaze temporarily travelled to her injury which she tried hard to ignore, pretending as if it wasn't even there, while her shirt and fingers were drenched in blood. 

"Alright," he agreed, then looked at her. "Look me in the eyes and say that again." 

Ji-yoon offered him a tight smile as she attempted to repeat. "I'm..." she began yet soon ended her sentence with, "...genuinely sorry." 

Luckily enough, Ji-yoon was soon saved by another disappointed pair of eyes.  

Wooyoung sighed as he joined the two in the entrance hall, Taemin right behind him.

"What did you do again?" he commented, more disappointed than anything else. 

Ji-yoon frowned. "What do you mean 'again'?" 

Ignoring her, he looked back at Taemin who, much like Wooyoung, was unsure whether to be disappointed or concerned. 

"Can you prepare her bed?" 

"Sure," Taemin said rather nonchalantly, yet quickly hurried upstairs. 

Meanwhile, Haechan put his arm around the girl to steady her. "What happened?" 

"...nothing much?" 

"You are a lost cause," Wooyoung muttered, then looked at Haechan. "Get her up for me, I'll grab my bag." 

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