45 ⊷ President

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please rise for the president


It was unsurprisingly awkward in the car. Taemin didn't have much to say to Changbin and Changbin was very reluctant to initiate a conversation with Taemin. 

However, after noticing the uncomfortable glimpses Changbin gave the older every now and then, he decided to at least try and talk. 

"Park and Kang tested the AI yesterday, didn't they?" Taemin asked. 

"Yes," Changbin confirmed quickly. "They did. It went horrible." He muttered the last part under his breath, then briefly looked at Taemin. "But your friend was there."


"Yeah," he said. "He seemed pretty relaxed so I think it all went according to plan. We just didn't talk much as to not raise suspicion so I don't know for sure."

Taemin nodded. "I'll talk to him later. Thanks." 

As they rolled up to a red traffic light and Changbin slowly let the car come to a halt, he looked at the older one. 

"I know you don't trust me," he told him. "But I will still do my best to help you." 

Taemin had made it obvious how he felt about him. He didn't want to be friendly with Changbin after all he had done, although he knew that he too was tricked by CEO Park. 

However, he wasn't ungrateful. He realized that Changbin went through a lot of effort and was putting himself in danger for him and the others. Fueled by selfish motivations of anger and revenge, yet he was on their side after all. 

"I don't care too much but you shouldn't misunderstand," Taemin warned him. "The main reason why I don't trust you is because I think Joon was too quick to do so. She is a big believer in second chances and when she gives them, she doesn't look back. She doesn't forget what happened but she doesn't remind you of it." 

Changbin hadn't realized it but that was the reason why he felt so comfortable around her despite knowing what grudges the others held and what happened between them. She didn't hold it against him. She just treated him like anyone else. 

"Although... she has her principles," Taemin continued. "Frankly I was surprised that she gave you a second chance. Fact is you hurt her family, so she would have normally just killed you." 

Right now, Taemin had an easy time being straightforward. He was out of his office, nowhere near anyone who could hear him despite not being supposed to or near Ji-yoon who might tell him off for talking to him like this. 

Changbin gulped. He didn't fear Taemin even though being on the receiving end of his judgemental glare hurt. He did, however, fear Ji-yoon. He knew too much to pretend not to. 

"I guess it's because you yourself were fooled," Taemin tried to explain. "Because Park used your family and hurt you with it, she can relate to you - to trying to want the best for your family." 

Taemin looked at Changbin. 

"But I also want the best for my family, so I cannot lower my guard in front of you," he explained, then nodded towards the road, causing Changbin to realize that the light turned green.

He continued driving.  

"But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate your efforts," he added. "You are getting yourself in danger too, I know that."

Listening to his explanation made Changbin realize that Taemin's reasons were exactly what he expected them to be. Taemin was just like his sister. Doing his best to look out for the ones he loved in his own way. 

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