16 ⊷ Miss

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quick note that when anyone in this chapter says "DREAM" they aren't shouting it or anything, it's just the name of the agency, spelt in all capital letters. 


"Guys, pack your things, we're going on a field trip," Chenle said as he entered the office that morning. 

Neither of the boys knew what to expect when he said that, so they spent the car ride trying to figure out where they were going. 

"Huh?" Jisung asked when they stopped in front of a big house. "Where are we?" 

Getting out of the car already, Haechan said, 
"Taemin and Ji-yoon live here." 

"They- what? Wait-" But Jisung's protest had to wait as he had to hurry to keep up with the others who were already making their way towards the house. 

Just as they were about to ring the doorbell, the door opened and they stopped. A boy stepped outside, yet quickly came to a halt in the doorway when he noticed the others standing there.

Neither of them had seen him before, yet he had a rather gentle look to him. His full, softly curved lips fit perfectly to his round cheeks and overall kind appearance.

Doe-eyed, yet he had them narrowed slightly at the sight before him.

He looked them up and down, inspected them carefully.

"Who are you?" he then asked, his voice coming out pretty monotone.

Seeing how protectively he stood there, Chenle quickly bowed his head politely.
"DREAM," he said. "Special agents."

The boy nodded. "And your name?"


"President Zhong?" he questioned and got a curt nod in return. "You are here to see Miss Kim?"

Chenle hesitated before he said, "Ji-yoon, yes."

The boy stared at them a moment longer before he turned around and shouted into the house,
"Miss Kim, are you expecting someone?"

"Call me Miss Kim one more time and I will break your arm!" Ji-yoon shouted from within the house.

While the boys were surprised at the response, with Jisung making an attempt to glimpse into the house to see if he could spot the girl, the tall one in the doorway was visibly unimpressed.

He sighed before he lazily corrected himself.
"Joon, are you expecting someone?"

"I'm glad that you ask~" she retorted sweetly. "DREAM agents. But if Sunshine isn't there, they can't come in!"

The boy turned back to the others and let his eyes wander over all five faces. His stern expression dared to crumble when he asked,

"Who of you is Sunshine?"

There was no reaction at first, leaving them in silence. However, Jaemin ended up grinning. He looked at the tall boy, then leaned closer to Haechan.

"Come on," he whispered. "Don't be shy."

Haechan threw a glare at him. Jaemin nudged his arm while Jisung rushed to add,

"Just tell the man."

Hesitant, he closed his eyes, bit his lip and gave it some thought. He really wanted to go inside and check on her, so he didn't really have a choice.

And so his arm travelled up into the air until the boy in the doorway spotted it.

He hummed, looked him up and down. "Lee Donghyuck?" the tall one mumbled curiously as he pushed his hands in his trouser pockets. 

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