30 ⊷ Sweetheart

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not to be a simp but the vocals and looks in Favorite had me dead


"You look tired," Haechan noted.

Cheeks puffy, munching on her food happily, Ji-yoon nodded. She smiled when saying,
"I am."

She seemed different now. Sweet. Warm. She wasn't cheeky for once, she just genuinely enjoyed the food and the company, happy to be safe and warm.

"Didn't you sleep well because of what happened?" he wondered.

"I didn't sleep at all," she said. "I was busy."

"With what?"

Still chewing but she mentally paused to think of a good answer. She had been pretty honest today so there was no point in trying to hide now. However, minding the words she used, she explained it by saying,

"I had a heart to heart with the men that kidnapped Jeno and Taro."

Haechan hummed. "Was that why your friends came yesterday?"

"Yeah, they helped me move them and all," she said casually. "By the way, I found out some interesting things!"

She swallowed her food, took a sip of her coffee, then leaned over the small table to get closer to Haechan.

There weren't many people inside the small, cosy café at this hour and the two had chosen a table in the back, as far away from other people as possible. Ji-yoon was still careful though, of course.

"Apparently Changbin's family was indebted to--"

She stopped.

All of a sudden she stopped when she felt Haechan's hand on her chin, a finger brushing over the edge of her bottom lip.

He hummed. "Sorry," he apologized. "You had something there."

Frozen for a moment, she didn't react. She just looked at him in surprise, speechless at how random this was.

Haechan raised a brow. "Are you okay?"

"No," Ji-yoon said in a heartbeat. She leaned back, gained some distance.

"What? Why?" he asked, looked down trying to get a glimpse of the rest of her body that was hidden underneath the table. "Is it the injury from yesterday?"

"It's you," she replied swiftly. "You can't just do things like that, Sunshine. I get flustered, you're getting my hopes up."

"Oh," he exhaled. He nodded before asking, "So I shouldn't do things like that from now on?"

"No," she said quickly, leaned forward again and smiled. "Please do them more often~"

Haechan rolled his eyes and got up. "You are done, right?"

"Almost!" she said and took the last couple of sips of her coffee while watching the boy go up to the counter to pay.

Once she was done, she grabbed her things and hurried up to Haechan.

"Let's go," he said and went ahead, Ji-yoon following him closely. 

As they left the café, she thought of something. 



"You didn't let me go to Changbin because it's not a good idea," she reminded him. "But do you have a better one?"

Haechan nodded. "I thought we could just visit him at home."

"And by 'visit' you mean...?"

"Break in," he clarified.

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