43 ⊷ Honesty

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hello and welcome back my lovely people

it's been a while but here's an extra long chapter to make up for it 


Haechan was on his way to WayV's apartment when he suddenly stopped upon hearing his name.

"Haechan!" Lucas shouted. The younger turned around and watched him run up to him. "Hey man! Where're you headed?"

Glimpsing past Lucas at Xiaojun for just a second, he answered, "To your guys' apartment."

Smiling wide, eyes narrowing from how far he pushed his cheeks up, Lucas seemed happy to announce that,

"We're headed there too!" He fished his keys out of his pockets, before looking behind him at Xiaojun. "Jun! Hurry!"

"You're like 70% legs man," Xiaojun pointed out bitterly. "Slow down."

Innocently, Lucas looked down at himself as he walked a bit slower. "Am I?" He turned to Haechan who just nodded. "Oh."

Once they reached the building, Lucas took a few large steps to get ahead of the other two so he could open the door for them.

"Why are you visiting?" Xiaojun asked curiously. 

It wasn't exactly unusual for Haechan to go and visit them, however, since he - and pretty much everyone else as well - had been outstandingly busy lately the boys weren't able to just hang out as much as they used to.

"To see you guys."

"Aw~" Lucas said warmly.

"But I also wanted to ask how it's going and what your - and our - next steps are," Haechan added.

"Ahh right," Xiaojun said through an exhale. "Good question." He turned around to Lucas. "We should ask that too."

"What? You don't know?" Haechan wondered.

"Ten sent us to gather some evidence, pictures and so on while he, Kun and Yangyang were talking to Joon and Taemin," Lucas explained. "He said they would explain everything later, so Xiaojun and I actually don't know much either."

Stepping in front of them once again, Lucas unlocked their apartment door and allowed the two to enter.

"We are about to find it out though," the oldest of the three said enthusiastically.

Right after he had closed the door behind him, Yangyang stepped into the apartment's small entrance hall. Surprised, yet incredibly delighted, he smiled as he spotted his friend.

"Haechan! How come you are here?"

"I was curious about how things are going. I wanted to ask Joon first but I couldn't reach her," he admitted. 

"I think she's with Kai and the other guy," Ten said. "She said she'd head to work later though. You'll be able to reach her then for sure."

He had to keep himself from smiling at the prospect of being able to potentially talk to her soon. So he just nodded thankfully.

He was curious though. "'The other guy'?"

"Oh, just one of her friends," Ten shrugged. "We have never met him, actually. She never uses his name but the three of them seem to be together a lot. Not that important actually." He turned around to Yangyang. "Kiddo! Present to them the plan of action!"

The boy nodded curtly as he walked into the living room, closely followed by the rest of the boys. He grabbed his laptop and checked the notes he had made when they were talking to Ji-yoon and Taemin earlier.

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