65 ⊷ At last

970 54 15

we finally reached the end~ thank you so much for everything <3


Ji-yoon lay her eyes upon Haechan's sleeping figure. Her lips curled up naturally, gaze stuck on his chest that rose and fell calmly. She sat down on the edge of the bed and pressed a hand into the pillow next to his head. She reached up with her free hand and brushed a strand of hair out of his face.

In the early day's silence, this sight was easy to appreciate. There was nothing interrupting her, no sound and no one else's presence.

She leaned down carefully and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. He hummed in return and pushed his head closer to her hand. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and closed her eyes to keep herself from laughing. She felt nothing but pure admiration for him.

After a moment, she moved her head a little further down, lips next to his ear as she whispered,

"Good morning, Sunshine."

Haechan took a deep breath, pushed his head back into the pillow and stretched his back. Her voice woke him up, yet it took him a few seconds to truly grasp where he was. When he opened his eyes, he soon spotted Ji-yoon's face hovering above him.

He smiled and lifted his head to give her a quick kiss on the forehead. He blinked a few more times, hoping it would help him feel less drowsy.

"Hm?" he asked eventually through a hum.

"Do you want to go watch the sunrise with me?"

Haechan turned his head to look to the side. Through the open blinds, the dark blue night sky was clearly visible.

"What time is it?"

"...early," she said, not so sure herself. "But not too early. It's winter, the sun rises late."

He laughed at her reply. She spoke as if she worried he would deny her request. While he wasn't the biggest fan of getting up early, he didn't mind it if it meant spending time with her.

He sat up, causing the girl to move back a little. "Sure. Let's watch it together."

"Really?" she asked just in case. "If you want to, you can go back to bed."

He shook his head. "Can you make coffee though?" She nodded enthusiastically and got up already. "Where are we going?"

"Just down the road. There's a park bench that gives a really nice view of the city," she told him and he hummed. His eyes travelled down her figure and he noticed that she was already no longer in her pyjamas. She wore sweatpants and a sweater, her hair tied up loosely.

"I'll be downstairs in a second."

He changed into the same outfit as her, just with his own pieces of clothing. He brushed through his hair and got up, drowsily making his way down the stairs. Taemin's door was still closed and so was Jungwoo's, who had decided to sleep over last night.

When he got into the kitchen, he saw Ji-yoon pouring their coffee into to-go cups. She looked over her shoulder.

"Put on your shoes, I'll be right there," she told him, then focused back on the coffee.

Although she told him to go ahead, he didn't. He couldn't look away. He wasn't sure why. He wasn't sure what had caught his eye in particular. But somehow she took up all his attention and he barely even realized it. Only when Ji-yoon turned around, cups in her hands, and saw him still standing there, he realized that he hadn't moved an inch.

"Sunshine?" she called his name in question, head tilted to the side slightly. Her hair slid off her shoulder, a frown wandered up her brows. "You okay?"

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