9 ⊷ Glass

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*quick note for anyone wondering: COO = Chief Operating Officer; they oversee day-to-day administrative and operational functions of a business & are generally considered second in command (after the CEO)


Haechan put a hand on Ji-yoon's shoulder. "Let's establish a rule, hm?" 

The girl smiled happily as she nodded. "Whatever you want." 

"Great," Haechan said contently. 

He and the rest of the Dreamies had made a promise to Jungwoo that they would, just as Ji-yoon does, work together with her to the best of their abilities. 

So today, since they were at JYP Electronics to question them about the theft and murder, they had their first chance to prove their newfound team spirit. 

"The rule is to not unnecessarily provoke anyone," Haechan then explained, causing Ji-yoon's smile to slowly fade while Jaemin just chuckled. At the sour look she then gave him, he stopped himself abruptly. 

Focusing on Haechan again, she cleared her throat. 
"It's not like I ever even do that," she argued weakly. 

Although he didn't share her opinion on this, he still nodded. 
"Sure," he said sarcastically, patted her shoulder. 

Ji-yoon frowned. Did she really do that? 

She didn't notice. After all, what a person considered provocative could very easily change from person to person. 

So Ji-yoon thought about it for a moment. Eventually, however, she pushed her hands into the pockets of her trousers as she shrugged. 

"I'll just leave the talking to you then." Just this sentence and her usual bubbly, smiley persona was gone, switched out for a surprisingly calm one. 

Surprising, but not bad. "Alright," Haechan agreed contently. 

And after that, she motioned towards the entrance of the building they had yet to enter. Following her motion, they went inside, Renjun and Haechan in the front and Jaemin and Ji-yoon following them closely. 

They had quickly made their way over to the reception where they were met with an apologetic face right away. 

"Are you the agents from DREAM?" the receptionist asked, receiving a couple of nods in return. "I am really sorry to inform you that CEO Park has an urgent appointment to attend, so he cannot meet you today. However, we arranged the possibility to talk to COO Seo and senior assistant Lee instead." 

Curious about their reactions, Ji-yoon looked over to Renjun and Haechan who seemed rather unimpressed. The younger of the two merely agreed before the receptionist continued talking. 

"As for the colleague of yours that wanted access to the CCTV footage and so on..." he began and motioned for someone behind them to come over. 

Soon enough, a young woman joined the four. Her soft features contradicted her intense gaze, the way in which she carried herself radiated confidence. 

"This is Mina, the head of our IT department," the man informed them. "She will accompany you and provide you with anything you need." 

Without having to hesitate, Renjun took a step towards her. After all, he, Haechan and Jaemin had discussed the details of their meeting beforehand, so that they knew who would do what. 

Once Mina and Renjun had left, Haechan, Jaemin and Ji-yoon were guided upstairs to one of the large conference rooms. They took place inside as they waited for the other two employees to arrive. 

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