57 ⊷ Observed

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What a lovely sight! The ever-grumpy-looking Sungchan, ready to greet Haechan.

"Hey," the younger offered fleetingly, glimpsing into the house right away in hopes to see Ji-yoon. Even though he carried his typically blank expression, Haechan could tell that he was anxiously waiting to see her. 

Despite the lack of connection and the close to non-existent friendship between the two, Haechan had to smile. He could tell how much Sungchan cared about her. 

"Joon's doing okay," he told the younger, not mentioning that Ji-yoon slept for just a handful of hours after coming home early this morning. He took a step back and allowed him to enter. "Come in." 


Soon after, steps travelled down the stairs until Ji-yoon came into view. Her face lit up as she rushed towards the two. 

"Sungchan~" she called his name warmly, happy to see him again. "How are you?" 

"I'm fine," he said, brushing off her question only to ask it himself. "What about you? Are you okay?"

"I'm... okay, yeah," she agreed hesitantly. She offered him a smile. "I don't have much of a choice but to be okay right now, right?" 

"You shouldn't push yourself." 

Ji-yoon gasped. "I would never!" she said jokingly, trying to get her spirits up. 

Sungchan sighed. He glared at her - a glare almost too soft to be perceived as one. "I shouldn't be surprised." 

"Exactly," she said with a grin. She left briefly to get her bag from her room upstairs, leaving the boys alone.

Haechan looked in her direction, while Sungchan's eyes jumped over to the boy. 

"I know she'll be fine but I'm still worried," he admitted, causing Haechan's gaze to meet his. He wasn't surprised to hear him say this - he was just surprised that he was saying it to him. "She'd never ask me to look out for her and it's probably not the wisest decision now anyway. So please take care of her." 

The older considered a more mocking reply at first. Something to lighten the mood. Something to get rid of the seriousness Sungchan tended to ooze. 

However, Haechan figured that Sungchan opening up a little and actually exchanging words with him was already a big step for the younger. He didn't want to make it seem like he didn't take it seriously and so he just nodded. 

"I will," Haechan promised. "In return, take care of yourself. Joon's already on edge." 

Sungchan nodded curtly. "I know, I'll be careful." 

"Okay boys," Ji-yoon called them as she came back downstairs. She offered both a short glimpse before focusing on putting on her shoes. "Let's go to the office." 

"Which?" the boys asked simultaneously. 


LTM was quickly reached. As soon as they arrived, Ji-yoon asked Sungchan to check in with Taemin and see if he needed anything. Meanwhile, Haechan and her made their way over to the APT project team's office. 

"Taro," Ji-yoon called the boy's name softly. He smiled - then frowned right away. 

"Joon why did Taemin say we are dissolving the project group?" Shotaro asked almost reproachfully. 

The girl raised a brow. "I'd assume that's because we are dissolving the project group."


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