53 ⊷ Bickering

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Days went by. Slowly at first, then faster and faster with work piling up and schedules becoming crowded. 

Taemin was busy with LTM, Ji-yoon and the Dreamies were helping with the two court cases. Alone WayV and Jungwoo got a moment to relax during these times. 

Times that were going to get even busier now that the lawsuits were in full swing. 

"Could you guys look into it again for me?" Ji-yoon asked Andy and Shotaro. "IT told me that nothing seemed to have happened during the server attack but it's still weird, isn't it?" 

The older of the two boys nodded, feeling forced to agree. "Yeah, it is odd." He smiled at her. "We'll look at it and let you know later." 

Shotaro nodded. "Yeah, don't worry!" 

Feeling relieved to hear that, Ji-yoon gave them both a quick hug ere she excused herself. She made her way downstairs. 

"Jugyeong! How are things lately?" Ji-yoon asked as she briefly stopped next to the girl on her way out of LTM's headquarters. "Sorry, I've been so busy, I didn't get the chance to talk much to you." 

The girl quickly shook her head. "I heard you got shot," she said under her breath, still shocked to even think about it. "Of course you have other things to worry about!" 

However, she quickly returned to Ji-yoon's question and knocked against the reception desk with a smile. 

"But since you asked, the reception has been as calm as always," she told her, making Ji-yoon smile. "How about you? Where are you headed?" 

"To court." 

"Oh~ you're being sued?" Min-jun asked as she came to a halt opposite Ji-yoon. She looked at Jugyeong, offering her a smile who did the same. 

Ji-yoon shook her head. "I am the one suing." 

Min-jun gave that a thumbs up. "Well done." 

"Thanks." She nodded towards Jugyeong. "Did your girlfriend forget something at home again?" 

The question earned her a soft laugh - and a nod. "Yep. Her lunch." 

While Jugyeong smiled awkwardly, Ji-yoon couldn't help how adorable she thought it was that Min-jun always looked after her so well, making sure to bring her her things whenever she forgot them. 

It was cute. 

Although, not as cute as- 

"Joon," Haechan said as he walked up to her. The three girls all looked at him, all in awe at how good he looked in his tailored suit and styled hair, hands in the pockets of his suit trousers. "You said you wouldn't be long. Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, just..." She drifted off. "Man, you look really good." 

He laughed. "Thanks." Briefly glimpsing at the other two, he then turned to Ji-yoon to ask. "Can we get going? San's waiting, he said he's pretty nervous." 

Nervous about presenting his case to court, about meeting the jury, about seeing everything play out. It was truly nerve-wracking, even for Ji-yoon who wasn't personally affected like San was.  

They didn't know, however, that there was hardly anything to be nervous about. Although it must have seemed like being up against the mayor was a big deal, being up against Ji-yoon was even worse. 

Her persistence and ability to hold grudges even surpassed the mayor's team of attorneys who seemed shocked at all the details, all the information the prosecution had gathered. 

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