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"I promise you Spence it's not a good idea let's just talk about it tomorrow!"

"If we wait until tomorrow, you're just gonna get angry..."

"TOO LATE! IM ALREADY ANGRY!!" She  was screaming at him. 

"Baby just let me explain!" He was following her around their apartment. 

"There's nothing to explain let's just drop it" Olivia and Spencer were walking around their place going back and forth with each other. They had just came back from an school event and had been arguing about the topic at hand off and on throughout the entire day until wee hours of the night. Conversation started at 8am this morning, it is now 2am at night on campus.

"I wanted to tell you!"

"But you didn't! Tell me Spence how's that working out for you huh?" Olivia screamed at him throwing her hands up in frustration. He followed her into the kitchen area.

"Well maybe if my girlfriend made time for me, she would've been the first to know like it should've been in the first place!" Olivia reached for a glass and threw it at his head while he ducked for cover looking at her with an shocked expression. "What the fuck is wrong wit you?!"

"Don't you dare blame me! You were the one who encouraged me to relaunch my podcast and I did what you asked, and I've still tried to make time for you, for us so don't even go there with me Spencer!"

"You ain't making time for me you're just freeing up time in your schedule to spend with him, I see the way he looks at you" Spencer retorted snatching a water bottle out of the fridge walking to the couch and sitting down opening the top with Liv following close behind.

"You've got some nerve! How many times do I have to say it, we are just friends and hes the co-host of my podcast show"

"Last time I checked you didn't have to spend every waking hour with your "co-host" to get the job done" Spencer's jealousy getting the best of him.

"At least he has time for me!" Liv shot back yelling at the top of her lungs. Spencer jerked his head standing up quickly charging towards Liv with their noses inches apart.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean huh?"

"If you don't get out of my face Spence I'm telling you..." She had to exhale to stop from slapping him.

"Don't hold back now say what you mean"

"You know exactly what it means" Her eyes rolled laughing in a sarcastic tone.

"Nah I don't think I do" He spat with his arms crossed. Tears began to well up in the corner of her eyes.

"You're never here Spence!"

"What are you talking about Liv I come home to you every night" He ensured rubbing his temples feeling himself getting a headache.

"Yeah, you come home and crash. No talking, no cuddling, no touching, nothing you just walk in, take a shower and hop into bed without saying a word"

"I'm working to play a professional sport Liv you know how important that is to me!" He defended irritably.

"I know how important it is to you and it seems to be the ONLY thing that's important to you now! Football football and more football, ugh God you don't love me, you love that ball in your hand!" She pushed him walking away before he grabbed her arm pulling her to him.

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