Unofficial Date Night Part 2

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Authors Note At End

Spencer and Olivia waited about ten minutes before they were seated. They settled for a bar close by Liv's house that had food, drinks, and a dance floor with good music to vibe to. Spencer ordered them drinks while Liv tried to figure out what she wanted.

"Do you know what you want to eat?" Liv had her eyes glued to the menu while he spoke to her.

"Ahhh everything looks so good I don't know what to choose"

"Depends on what you're in the mood for"

"Ion have an particular taste tonight"

 Liv shrugged with her eyes still on the menu and Spencer glanced briefly leaning back in his seat enjoying this moment. Liv could feel his eyes on her clear as day.

"Take a picture it'll last longer"

"Nah, I'm think I'm gonna enjoy this while I can" 

Liv's eyes followed his. She placed the menu back on the table folding her arms in a slight defensive stance.

"Enjoy what, if I may ask?" She gestured with her hands as he chuckled quietly to the side.

"Relax Liv I'm just relishing in the fact that even after so many years.... you haven't changed a bit, still look the same, still dress the same, and still hungry as ever" He joked around. She flipped him off and threw one of her napkins at his head.

"& still have good aim too!"

"Mhm, you know that better than anyone else" She put her hands on the table.

"How could I forget? You practically ripped my head off that night" 

Spencer was speaking in allude to the blow up that ended their relationship and sent him overseas with a broken heart and closure a few years back.

"Oh, it's not like you didn't deserve it" 

Her lips smacked lowering her eyesight to the table picking up the menu again as a distraction. If she was being honest, she really didn't want to talk about their last encounter together as a couple because it brought up many painful memories and thoughts that she's been trying to forget for the last five years, but even today, those memories stuck with her. Spencer lowered his gaze up at her moving to speak.

"You're right, I guess we was just both- "He was cut off midsentence.

"Spencer can...we this? Please can we just enjoy this meal and try to have somewhat of a nice night, ok I don't want to rehash what used to be you and me right now"

"Well neither do I Liv, but don't you think we at least should talk about what happened? Cuz I gotta be honest with you, I'm not happy with the way we left things"

"And what you think I am?"

"You tell me, every time I bring it up you do everything humanly possible to avoid it" Spencer replied when she turned the other way not looking at him playing with her fingers avoiding his gaze.

"You've clearly haven't been heeding to the signs cuz I really.... don't wanna talk about this ok, especially not while sitting with you in a restaurant full of strangers"

"Why'd you, do it? Why did you leave the way you did?" He said getting right to it. Her throat tightened as she paused in time.

"You left me with no choice...." She trailed off continuing to avoid eye-contact. His chest rose and fell as his body heated, his anger starting to rise.

"I left you with no choice, that's your excuse, get the entire fuck out of here Liv, you left because you wanted to" He seethed with her scoffing under her breath rolling her tongue over her teeth nodding her head back and forth.

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