Makin Up Breakin Up

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Spencer awoke first, and as he rolled onto his side, he admired Olivia under the sheets. He traced his fingers along her jawline as she slept peacefully next to him. He watched the rise and fall from her chest as her light snores filled up the darkness of the room. He didn't want to be naïve and place unrealistic notions on what was happening between them, but he could no longer deny that, he had fallen for the mother of his child, all over again. Though the thought of that was supposed to make him happy, right now it was doing the polar opposite. There was still so much more to figure out between them and as happy as last night made him, he couldn't ignore how he was still feeling, love or not, fallen or not. Her lips pouted like they did the last time they were intimate, and a smile staggered his lips the same way it did the first time he saw it. She had a magnetic pull on him that he tried really hard to fight but no matter what he did, he always found himself in this exact spot, right next to her, where he wanted to be deep down, but having a whole child complicates things more than they both realize. Spencer stroked her hair in a loving manner. He trailed his fingertip down her bare navel, awakening her.

"It's seven in the morning" He whispered in her ear.

"Go back to sleep, I'm going to head out before Mina wakes up and catches me in your bed"

He moved to ease his way out of the bed, and she wrapped a strong arm around his waist, pulling him back down.

"Olivia, I should go" He whispers. 

"I don't want you to have to explain my presence like this to her. We don't even know what this is, and I don't want to give her the wrong idea"

"I know, I get that" Olivia said, as she pulled his chin to her.

"I know too," He admitted, as he quickly kissed her lips.

"But this isn't the type of thing I want you to spring on our daughter" Olivia knew he was right, but she wasn't ready to let him go just yet. Waking up to him was a sight. He filled every void she was left with over the years after him.

"I know, you're right" She said. 

"Are you gonna come back later??"

"Yeah, it's Sunday so I was thinking bout takin Mina to the field, the park, maybe some ice cream but I gotta change out of this suit" 

Olivia's phone buzzed just as he was speaking and she reached over to grab it, trying her best to cover her nakedness underneath the sheet. She lifted herself off the bed slipping her panties back on and walking over to retrieve her robe throwing it on as she responded to the person texting her. Spencer's eyes drifted in her direction with his brow arched.

"Who's texting you this early?" Liv shook her head looking down at the screen texting away.

"Just Trey, giving me an update about his mom and stuff"

"He's gotta text you this early for that?"

"He's been with her all night and she just fell asleep not too long ago, so he used that time to text me. Only free minute he had" Olivia explained honestly.

"Right, let me get up out of here"

Spencer reached for his boxers slipping them back on standing up heading to her bedroom door before she rested her hand on his chest to stop him.

"Wait, are you mad right now?"

"Nah, Imma let you talk to your friend, I'll pick up Mina later" She pressed on his chest grabbing the sides of his face as he leaned away avoiding her gaze.

"Am I missing something here?"

"No, but this just further solidifies my thinking" He put his hands on top of hers sliding them down from his face starting to walk off. Liv had a frown notched on her face as her arms folded standing in position.

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