It's Been So Long

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Author's note: Read until the end for little announcements 💜

They were literally lost in each other's eyes while literally being in the middle of the walkway. It had been five years since they had seen each other in person. Last thing Olivia remembered was being wrapped nakedly in between the sheets with him before leaving him her own form of a "Dear John" letter and him leaving the country to play football overseas. That was during their senior year of college. Olivia was completely devastated, and she knew she had broken Spencer's heart when she left him without warning. There was no closure, and no sense of hope that they could work things out and she accepted that after she didn't hear from him before he left. In this very moment, old feelings, and emotions came cracking into the surface. Raw and uncut. They both began to feel it all as they stood here looking at each other with gazes of unconditional love, hurt, anger, but mostly, fear. He hasn't changed a bit, I miss him. I never forgot how beautiful she is. Damn, I really missed this woman. "Aye lovebirds move out of the way people are trying to get to work over here" A stranger passing by said to them as their voice brought them back to reality. Spencer reached to help her up as she dusted off her pants while he bent down handing back her phone. "Thanks" He just nodded not saying a word.

"Sorry that I bumped into you like that, you were the last person I expected to see today"

"Believe me, the feelings mutual but i-its cool" She shrugged off trying not to make a big deal out of it. Spencer stared down at his phone as he didn't know what else he should say or do right now.

"It's been so long Olivia..."

"It has.... how are you?" She asked quickly not wanting the moment to be awkward even though it clearly was. His gaze fell upon hers.

"I.... I'm coo you know, just another day in the life of an NFL player. You?"

"Oh...uh I'm um, I'm making it, just another day in the life of a journalist" & mother. She laughed lightly mocking him a little. He blushed looking away from her slipping his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah, I've heard great things about your company, that's really great Li-Olivia" He congratulated her blurting out his nickname for her before correcting himself. It felt natural to call her by Liv since he'd been calling her that for years, before and after they were together. After everything that has happened between them, he's not sure if he's allowed that privilege.

"Thanks, congrats on the trade by the way, you must be excited" She added as he flashed a smile her direction making her blush again. She covered her mouth trying to hide the dimples that were showing. Even after all this time, he still knows how to make me blush. Is it possible to love and hate someone at the same time? I'm still trying to figure that out. I'm staring at his face and all I want to do right now is grab him, push him against this building and kiss those soft, tender lips that I miss so much. The other part of me just wants to deck him in the face. Which side is stronger? I don't know right now. They both were in their thoughts as they carried on with the conversation.

"Thank you, I'm pretty excited about it, it was one of my top choices, I'm sure you remember"

"It's been so long I'm not sure what I remember, I mean that was in college and...were fully grown now..." She pursed her lips swiping her tongue over her teeth as he looked away from her.

"Yea.... maybe you're right. Uh so, looks like we might be seeing each other again, "Her eyes widened at what she believed he was implying. Yup, never going to happen again. I won't be left a second time, I barely survived the first. He gave her a weird look before catching her drift.

"No no I meant like seeing each in the city through you know passing..." He corrected himself as he found himself gawking at her again. She was looking away not wanting to meet his gaze. Spencer lifted his lips to say something staring lovingly into her eyes before they were interrupted by her phone ringing. She fumbled through her purse pulling it out so she could answer it.

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