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Two days after the reveal of Liv's memory loss, Jamina had woken up from her coma. For the most part, Spencer and Liv's healing had gone well on the psychical side of the spectrum but mentally, they both were struggling. Dr. R gave them both a referral that they attend therapy together and individually to work through their current feelings and while Spencer was more than happy to oblige given his work with Dr. Spears, Liv refused to agree. Jordan, Kia, and even her parents had mentioned to her that it was a good idea, but she said no everytime. Day by day she grew more agitated with everyone, including Spencer who was on board with the whole therapy thing. There was some physical therapy to be done at home but aside from that she was progressing fairly well. Jamina walked away from the accident with no major injuries but was still suffering from some respiratory problems due to the massive amount of water they had to remove from her lungs. She was back to breathing on her own and they were able to remove the tubes from her mouth, but they decided to keep her for a few extra days under observation to make sure it stayed that way and since her parents refused to leave without her, they stayed behind a few days extra as well but were given much more comfortable quarters to stay in while Jamina recovered fully. During the day they were able to wear regular clothes and could change into their gowns once it was time for their nightly check-ups and testing. Since they were staying a little while longer, Dr. R made sure to cross all her p's and q's and ran an few more tests that she felt was necessary. Meanwhile Kia was in Liv's room keeping her company while Jordan was with Spence in Mina's room occupying her with quality time.

"Leeeeett it goo let it goooo, I am one with the wind and skyyyyy, let it go, let it goo, you'll never see mee cryyy, daddy, sing with meeee!" Jamina sung proudly in her raspy voice while holding onto the bear Jordan gifted her laying in her hospital bed.

"Not now baby, I'm tryna dominate uncle j in this game of dominoes"

"You ain't dominating a thing, sir, click clack, boom!!" Jordan said aloud in a doleful manner as he smacked his hands on the table with the last tiles in his hand, beating Spencer for the first time out of all the rounds they played. They were sitting in a table across from the side of Jamina's bed.

"Doooominoooeeee boyyyy, time for your dad to pay upppp niece!"

"Uncle J beat you again? Danngg daddy you kinda suck" Jamina roasted her father with him turning his head performing a stern look and his brow easily raised.

"Heeyy ion suck, this was your uncles first time beating me, it was just luck this time around"

"Luck my left foot, I beat you fair and square and a deal's a deal sooo pay up" Jordan piped pulling his hand out as Spencer reached over in his wallet pulling out an tight wad of cash.

"Hey I'm an man of my word, but it's good, this will be the first and last time you beat me Mr. Baker" Spencer assured flashing an wink at Mina as she covered her mouth giggling until her laughs turned into hard coughs.

"Mina baby you good?" She became unresponsive as Spencer and Jordan ran to her bed in a panic, Spencer patting her back and Jordan filling her cup, sitting on her bedside table, up with water. He went back and forth from rubbing and patting her. She finally recovered few minutes later.

"You, okay? You need us to get the doctor?"

"No no! No doctors daddy, I'm fine, uncle j can I have some water please?" She retrieved the cup from his hand drawing in a few long sips before giving it back to him, resettling herself on the bed laying back.

"You good now baby girl?"

"Uh-huh, uncle j where's tete K and what did you do with her?" Jordan chuckled to the side of himself as he was amused by his nieces choice of language.

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