Broken Pieces

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*I highly recommend listening to the song while you read* 

Meanwhile On the Other Side of The City

"I mean I know food from out of the country is always an plus, but I never imagined it would taste this good" 

Olivia raved as she placed another bite of her salted caramel brownie a la mode in her mouth. Spencer laid back enjoying every minute of it as him and Liv sat in front of each other with the comforter on the floor. Pregnant Liv was a whole different ball game compared to business Liv, and mommy Liv. Spencer wasn't able to witness her first pregnancy due to unconventional circumstances and with her being pregnant with their second child together, he couldn't be more excited to experience everything he didn't get to experience when she was pregnant with their daughter Jamina. The mood swings, the cravings, the hormones, and of course, the level of her food intake increasing, though he had plenty of experience with her love for food a long time ago. He smiled to himself looking down to his lap as she indulged in another bite, moaning a little as the warm, chocolate texture melted in her mouth. Olivia had never been a fan of chocolate, but it's all she's been eating lately. From candy bars, cookies, brownies, anything chocolate, she was filling her stomach with. He wasn't sure how he felt about her chocolate intake but if his unborn child was taking a liking to it, then he was okay with it. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she scooped some French vanilla ice cream on her spoon, gliding it into her mouth. She was rather occupied with her dessert of choice before she looked up, catching him staring away.

"What, this is really good, Spence, I'm telling you, here try it" Olivia scooped a piece of brownie on her spoon then the ice cream tilting it to his lips with him moving his face out of view.

"Nah I think I'm good"

"Ohh come on, please, just a little, you won't regret it, I'm tellin you, try it"

"If I say no, will you accept that?" He smirked in her direction already knowing the answer. She shrugged her shoulders, pausing for a few seconds pretending to think about it.

"Nope! Soo, try it" He shook his head laughing rolling his eyes before pushing his face forward to the spoon opening his mouth and with one swift of a hand, she fed him the bite. He chewed tilting his head back then moving it from side to side with a slip of a smile.


"Mm, it's aight" he played it off lifting his shoulders to his ears. Olivia slapped his chest with the back of her hand catching him off guard.

"Damn woman, no need to get all violent, I'm just teasing you" he laughs lightly rubbing her visible bump. She placed her hand atop of his with an eye roll.

"Yeah, you better be, or I'm gonna have to tell our baby in here that daddy's not being nice to mommy"

"Hey hey, no need to be getting all extra on me, but speaking of babies, how's my oldest one?" 

Spencer asked, changing the subject. Olivia took her last bite of the brownie and ice cream before answering him, downing the rest of the water in her glass. The suite that she had was fully furnished with a full kitchen set which she was pleased by, especially on those nights where she'd crave a piece of chocolate and a hot cup of green tea with honey and lemon.

"She's good, she misses you, draws pictures all the time, been bragging about you with all her teachers, "my daddy is in the NFL and he's training people in another country! My daddy is so cool!" Olivia mocked her child's exact words, bringing out a genuine smile in Spencer.

"She is not telling people this" Spencer says as Liv arched her brow giving him a disapproving look crossing her arms.

"Uh yes she does, Destiny has been reporting this to me through text and your minion is something serious when it comes to her papa" 

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