One Last Time

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Olivia's eyes fluttered open to the ceiling above, as her body lay naked, wrapped in the sheet, with the father of her children lying beside her. She sat up, covering her bare frame with the sheet, turning her head over, watching Spencer sleep soundly. Light snores blew from his lips as she smiled, leaning down to kiss his cheek before quietly stepping out of the bed. Her manicured toes pressed into the carpet as she walked over to the dresser. She opened the first one, searching for some new panties and a bra to get into, the sheet wrapped tightly around her. Her search was short-lived as her eyes found something else. Tiny black box. She took the box in her hands, tears forming in the corner of her eyes, remembering the story behind it that was told, just a few days ago. Taking her by surprise, she felt two arms wrap around her waist, with a kiss to her shoulder.

"Hey you"

"Hey" Spencer smiled kissing the side of her face as they stared at each other through the mirror. She was deep in thought, and he could tell just by the scowl on her facial expression.

"Whats got your head spinnin over there, woman?"

"You, and this tiny black box" She holds it up in his view, moving his hands from her waist, up to her shoulders to then wrap around her stomach.

"Spence..." She turns around facing him.

"I wanna know"

"Know what, Liv?"

"How you were gonna do it, every little detail, from start to finish, I want you to tell me" She kissed his lips as a way to encourage him as his mind raced at her request. He shook his head, shooting it down, and she brought it back up, so their eyes could meet. They didn't speak a word yet communicated so much with just one look. He nodded towards her as he took her hands in his.

"I didn't know much, except that, I needed that moment to be special, because you're special, to me. I was gonna decorate our place, in your favorite flowers, with rose petals to the floor, starting a trail from the front door to our bedroom. Take you out to your favorite place with your favorite foods, and desserts, we know how much you love those" She giggled as he rubbed his nose against hers continuing.

"Then, arriving home, I would've blind folded you, cuz I know how much you hate not being in control but I did it enough times in our years of being together so you'd know, being with me, would always be a safe space for you. After all your bickering, I'd, take your dainty hand in mine, letting you inside while helping you hold your balance" She was in a daze looking back at him while he spoke, his voice becoming a sweet melody to her.

"Then once I had you waiting long enough, I'd tell you, you can remove the blindfold, and you'd look down, seeing me down on one knee, like this" he held her hand in his palm as he dropped down to one knee, just in his boxers. Tears welt up in her eyes as she watched him go down. Her breathing slowed as her hand covered her mouth.

"My next words would be, I've loved you since I was sixteen, back when I was too young to comprehend it or appreciate the magnitude of that. Magnitude of us, and the hold you have on me. It may have taken me awhile to figure it out, but you were always the one for me, Liv. A meeting over chromosomal DNA and sharing a laptop turned into something more. I took a bullet for you, and I'd do it again, because that's how much I love you. You're not living, I'm not living. I can barely breathe when your next to me, and you're such a distraction from the real world, because when were together, you're all that I think about. I'm a better man because you took the time to love me, care for me, and be there for me like nobody else ever has"

"Oh baby" she softened at his words, grazing her fingertips against his skin. He cleared his throat, shaking away his tears trying to get through his speech.

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