It's A Party! It's A Party! It's A Party! Part 1

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Few Weeks After Play Date: Flashback

"So, Spence, how are things going now, with you and Liv?" Dr. Spears sat across from Spencer in his chair with his legs lowly crossed and notepad and pen in hand. Spencer relaxed a little in his seat stretching his arms on the headrest of the complimentary couch in his office.

"They've been good, you know, we've been uh learning to communicate more effectively for the sake of Mina and taking it one day at a time. We also decided to finally tell Jamina together on her birthday. The co-parenting classes have been a huge help to prepare us for that conversation, and she's been very...receptive to the process which I was shocked about because I know how much she hates not being in control of things"

"You think her need to be in control can explain why she never reached out to you about Mina, or tried to look for you?" Spencer had his head down clearing his throat before answering the question.

"I don't know, I mean I think maybe it's a possibility but honestly, I think she was still hurt by how things went down and if I'm being honest, I was too. I felt so lost when I read that note, and part of me wanted to hurt her as badly as she hurt me, that's probably why I....left without saying goodbye, cuz if I had, I probably wouldn't have left..."

"Do you wish that you had stayed?"

"No....having that experience taught me a lot and I don't regret taking it, but I do regret...leaving things unsaid between her and I..."

"Does she know that?" Spencer slowly drew his eyes up at Dr. Spears.

"No, you think I should tell her?"

"I can't make that decision for you Spencer, you have to walk that road on your own, but I will say this. Hurt people hurt people, and it sounds like to me, that you both were hurt and acted as such in the moment and that moment cost a lot for both of you, but now there's a third party involved, your daughter. So for the sake of her, I believe you could have that conversation with Liv, it's obvious more needs to be said between you two"

"There is, the problem is, I just can't put it into words right now, and I don't think she can either, but for now, were just pertaining our focus to Mina"

"I think that's an great place to start for you two, you mentioned at our last session that she has an birthday coming up, right?" Dr. Spears asked.

"Yup, she's uh, heh, she'll be's crazy how fast time flies you know..." Spencer says with an smile while trying to hide it at the same time.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you were excited about that"

"You know normally I would try and cap with you right now but you didn't go for it last time when I denied being in love with Olivia back in high school so I'm sure you won't go for it now so, yes I am excited" Dr. Spears laughed a little at them taking an blast into the past for an moment.

"All I'm going to tell you is that, I know love when I see it, and it was clear as day back then. I'm hoping that love you once had for her then will carry into your new dynamic now. Are you going to Mina's party?"

"I don't know man, I've enjoyed every single moment Mina and I have had so far, from the play dates to movie nights at Liv's or her simply holding my hand at the park, or watching her go down the slide and hearing her laugh that mirrors Livs. I've missed so much you know? But I don't want to push myself at the same time, and Liv and I still have things to work through, I feel stuck"

"It's okay for you to feel the way that you do, and I'm not telling you to push yourself any further but this is an moment every father has with their child, its an milestone, you've missed so many, I don't think you want to miss this one" Spencer played with his fingers as he was deep in this thoughts about this.

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