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Two Months Later

Olivia was now 7 months into her pregnancy and getting bigger as the days passed by. Ever since he's been back from London, Spencer has stayed almost every night with Olivia and their daughter, and they participated in extracurricular activities almost every time he was there. She wasn't sure if it had been the fact that she didn't have him around for her first pregnancy or if she simply just missed having him around all the time, but her hormones jumped just at the sight of him. She wanted him all the time, anytime, even if it meant going home during her lunch break just for a quickie. Chocolate had become her addiction, Spencer was her aphrodisiac. A faint moment played in her memory as she stirred the Alfredo sauce in the pot in the kitchen.

A Week Ago: 12:35 pm, Thursday

Olivia had texted Spencer in the middle of practice asking him to come to the house asap and as she expected, he rushed right over. The door swung open before he even had the chance to knock and she jumped his neck, grabbing both sides of his face pulling her lips to his. He got lost in the kiss for a moment before pulling away coming back to reality.

"Wait, is everything okay with the baby?"

"No, she's fine Spence"

"Is it Mina, did something happen at school or-?" Spencer was shaking his head back and forth before she reeled him back forcing him to look at her.

"Baby, relax, Mina's fine and the baby's fine" Spencer's brows scrunched as he looked at her.

"Then wha- woman you said it was an emergency, what the he-"She pulled his face again smashing her lips into his shutting him down. He pulled away abruptly, mild anger starting to appear on his face. She reached up to touch his cheek with him catching her arm, making her feel a bit feverish as her cheeks flushed and the gush between her legs built up.

"That was a really important drill, Olivia, what am I supposed to tell my coach when I get back?"

"You can tell him that, your, very, pregnant girlfriend and mother of your children needed you for something" He scoffed, breathing a little heavy, partial exhaustion from booking it to the house, the other half from being turned on by the woman standing in front of him. She reached back up again trying to caress his face, but he blocked her arm, pressing it against his chest, their heads, and lips inches away from one another.

"He's not going to let that slide, and neither am I, Olivia" He spoke lowly, barely a whisper, igniting the fire in her bones. She slyly grinned as she wet her lips, flipping them around so his back was in front of the kitchen now, slowing backing them away from the door entering the kitchen.

"Well, then I guess you're just going to have to take it out on me then"

She wrapped an arm around his neck, leaning forward, pressing her lips to his ear, before dragging her tongue alongside of it, making him lose all sense of thought. Her back pressed further against the island as he picked her up by her waist, setting her a top of the counter, getting between her legs. Her legs locked his waist, securing his position as she grabbed a fistful of his sweaty shirt, and massaged her tongue with his. Their tongues did a dance of dominance as she bit his shoulder and he pulled his pants down, lifting the hem of her skirt, high enough for his length to go where it needed to go. Her bare ass lifted from the counter as he pushed himself inside of her, causing her to moan out his name in the process. He pounded out all of his frustration and annoyance into her and with every stroke, his mind eased just a little more. They were sloppy and slow then switched to fast and rough, always finding the in between, just the way she liked it being given to her. Olivia became breathless as her climax began, starting to reach her peak.

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