Unofficial Date Night Part 1

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Olivia froze in place for a second before turning to walk the other direction wiping her eyes furiously as she went along the path praying that he didn't see her. Spencer walked away from Nicole before she pulled him back to her, tugging on his arm.

"Wait where are you going?"

"I see somebody I know I'll be right back" She caught his arm resting her palm on his cheek.

"Can't it wait we were in the middle of som-"

Spencer cut her off swiftly removing her palm from his face.

"Look Nicole us fucking a few times doesn't equate to you being my woman, aight, now would you please stop touching me all in public, you're going to give my brand the wrong image" He stated coldly with her wincing at his words appearing to be hurt and disappointed.

"The wrong image Spence? Maybe you should've thought about that before you started fucking me!" 

She said her blood starting to boil at his audacity. She didn't want to admit it but she was already catching feelings for the player and she kinda hated herself for it, especially with the way he was acting right now towards her.

"You know what? Your right, as of this moment I'm no longer fucking you, the only business you and I will have is in the office, thanks for coming, you may go on about your day" He spat gesturing her to walk past him. She took a step back from him, slapping him across the cheek.

"Fuck you, Spencer! Whatever we were doing is done and over with!" He held his face chuckling sarcastically.

"Pretty sure I said it before you sweetheart" He fake-smiled at her before running off hoping to catch Liv before she left as Nicole stormed off in full blown tears.

Ion know what the hell I was thinking messing around with her? She's got way too much melodrama for me and she's mad clingy. Never again man, never again. Spencer was thinking to himself as he raced through the crowd hoping to spot Liv. She was inches away from her car when he finally spotted her.

"Liv! Liv wait up!" 

He ran trying to catch up to her as she stood resting her hand on the open door, slamming it turning around to see him coming towards her. Losing his breath, he finally caught up to her. He was breathing hard trying to catch his breath long enough to speak to her.

"I didn't expect to see you down there I'm sorry"

"It's fine, I was just uh.... coming to say congratulations to you on your win, buh uh you seemed rather occupied, and I didn't want to intrude so I figured I- "He interrupted catching her arm looking into her eyes with her not looking back.

"You weren't intruding on anything Liv" Her head shot up quick crossing her arms lifting an eyebrow at him.

"Really? Hmm, it surely didn't look like nothing"

"Well, what exactly did you see?"

"That ho of a publicist with her hands all over you," 

Liv retorted speaking in quotes. Spencer chuckled lightly at the nickname Liv just gave Nicole without knowing the true nature of their situationship, which that's all it ever really was. However, it goes, he knew how jealous Liv could get and he had no patience to go down that road with her, so he wasn't offering up any information, unless she asked him directly.

"Trust me she's not of importance Liv. Buh uh, If I didn't know any better, I would think you were, oh I don't know, a bit jealous?" Spencer weighed out with his hands raising his eye adamantly with his arms folded across his chest.

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