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Spencer felt his heart beating outside of his chest as he awaited his brother's next response.

"J what is it?"

"She's awake Spence!!" His eyes sparkled as the words spewed out of Jordan's mouth.

"That's grea-wait how do you know?"

"I was sitting there talking to her when Dr. Reynard came in to administer her meds and she whispered my name" Jordan reported happily with a gracious smile smearing across Spencer's lips.

"She's gonna be okay, she's really gonna be okay J" Spencer's heart warmed knowing that Olivia was going to be okay and the only thing missing from that is his daughter. The fellow brothers met in an quick embrace commemorating the small victory.

"Yeah man she is, I gotta call Kia so she can come, but Dr. R doesn't want us to crowd her so she said to wait a bit before going in, plus, they put her on this new medication that makes her very sleepy so she could be resting right now, I'm not sure tho"

"Well, only one way to find out then"

Spencer says casually as he begins to wheel himself out of the room heading towards hers, with Jordan following closely behind. He wheeled himself in to see her sound asleep, her head slanted to the side and her hair slightly all over the place. He wheeled himself over to her side with Jordan's eyes on him as Spencer gently took her by the hand before lifting it to his lips to kiss. Her lips were pouted like always with a small crease in her forehead signaling the deep slumber she was entertaining, and Spencer knew what she was doing in that moment.

"She's dreaming right now"

"Really? How do you know that?" Spencer chuckled below his mouth lifting a hand to her cheek.

"She only pokes her lips out like that when she's dreaming, nine times out of ten, it's about something that's already happened that she doesn't want to end, or something she wishes, would happen. The lines on her forehead always give it away though"

"Damn bro the fact that you know that is actually kinda creepy"

"Did you forget that we used to live together, and kiss together, and sleep together a-"

"Ok ok, I get the point, no need for details" Jordan held his hand up in defense with a light laugh. Spencer joined before turning his head back around to Liv who was still sound asleep.

"I'm gonna go call Kia and tell her, do you need help back to your room first?"

"Nah, I think I'm gonna stay for an bit, then wheel myself back, but uhm, can you-"

"Of course, Spence, I got you" Jordan finished the sentence for him already knowing he was asking him to check on Mina for him. Jordan nodded to Spence before slipping out of the door to make his call.

"It's okay Liv, you're safe now, and I'm here" He whispers leaning to place a soft, but gentle kiss on her cheek taking a quick glance at how out of place her hair was sitting. Just then one of the night nurses came in.

"Mr. James, what are you doing out of bed? You're supposed to be resting for your injuries"

"I'm not tired"

"Even if you're not, your still supposed to be in bed right now, you need to go back to your room" Spencer's head slowly turned to stare up at the nurse talking to him.

"Ma'am, what is your name?"


"You ever been in love Mia?" The nurse's brows arched with wonder about why this patient was asking her this particular question.

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