Until I See You Again

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Spencer and Jordan were heading off to London today and were excited to get this new aspect of their football career started. It's one thing to go alone, which Spencer has experience with unlike Jordan, but they were both excited to be going, and that they were doing it together. Breaking the news to Jamina was the hardest part for Spencer with the exception of being away from Olivia and the baby they had on the way but as hard as this was going to be, he knew the outcome will deem good for the betterment of his family and himself.

"You sure you got everything?"


Jordan affirms to his girlfriend as she's sending a text to Liv's team about the weekly agenda. More clients were added to their roster and there was training that her and the team needed to better serve them, so Kia made sure she stayed on top of it. Between Liv working part time from home, Kia now being in charge full-time for the time being, and the boys leaving for London, Kia was feeling the weight of everything. Her mind had been scattered in the weeks leading up to Jordan's departure today and though she had some suspicions about, Janiyah, his manager's assistant, she chose to let that go, for now.

"Toothbrush, four pairs of shoes, deodorant, your suits for meetings, ties, underwear?"

Kia asked typing rapidly on her phone not looking his way. Jordan chuckled to himself as he walked over to her. He gently took the phone out of her hand resting his arms around her waistline as she took a deep inhale.

"Mind diving out of your head for a bit babe and just being in the moment?" She sighed with her eyes closed, nodding wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Sorry baby, I know I've been rather-"

"Distracted? Uh maybe just a little" Jordan crunched his thumb and finger together raising it up in her view as she smacked it away playfully.

"I'm sorry, just so much happening with the company and our team, I'm trying to stay on top of things while Liv's taking time off"

"I get it babe, but you gotta remember to breathe and remain confident in your abilities. I understand it can be a little overwhelming sometimes but you're in the position you're in for a reason and Liv put you in charge because she trusts you and your skills. The key to that, is trusting and believing in yourself"

"Okay Jordan Pinkett, look at ya talking like you got some sense"

"Just putting out what I know" Jordan shrugged as Kia smiled up at him. He kissed the tip of her nose, as this sentiment soothed her a little.

"Speaking of trusting and believing oneself, how are you feeling about everything?" Jordan peered down with a soft sigh.

"I'm feeling pretty good, but uhm nervous as hell about traveling out of the country and this position of consulting and recruiting" She rubs his shoulders as he speaks.

"What are you the most nervous about?"

"You know Kia, it's funny cuz whenever I get asked that question, my answers are never the same. Football has been part of my life for....as long as I can remember, it's me and when I'm on that field, I feel unstoppable, like I belong there and its exactly where I'm meant to be. But sometimes I wonder, if that feeling will go away when I'm recruiting and consulting others to do the same. I'm not sure how to...transfer that, to others who will be under me, you know? I don't know maybe I'm overthinking it"

He laughed nervously as she nodded her head rubbing the sides of his face.

"I don't think your overthinking anything, I just think that your nervous and rightfully so because you're treading some new waters, but like one wise man told me, trust and believe in yourself, because you are exactly where your supposed to be" She recited his words from earlier as a smirk fell across his lips.

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