Business Is Always Personal

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The next day Olivia got a text from Kia telling her to be at the office before their meeting, so she had to drop off Jamina at school earlier then she usually does so she wouldn't be late. Although she had been resistant to the idea of covering Spencer's trade to the giants, Kia had convinced her to do it, but that didn't change her feelings about the situation but like Kia said, This is strictly business. Those were Olivia's thoughts when she walked into her company's building heading towards Kia who was already coming in her direction with a fresh cup of coffee in hand.

"Good morning boss, oh you looking real fitted today" Kia compliments Olivia handing her the cup of coffee. Olivia was wearing a red long-sleeve jumpsuit with white heels, with her hair down with flowy curls hanging low covering her back.

"Thanks Kia, is everything all set for the meeting?" Olivia was asking taking the coffee out of her hand retrieving the folder.

"Yes, everyone's here, just waiting on you in the board room"

"Sweet, well I guess it's on you and me then let's head back" Olivia smiled proudly at Kia before her assistant pulled her back as she was beginning to walk. Olivia drew her eyes at Kias hand which was now placed on her forearm.

"Liv.... please don't hate me for this...." Kia whispered with Olivia raising a brow completely riddled.

"Hate you for what, what are you talking bout Ki-?" She cut her off abruptly.

"He's here" Kia revealed to Liv with her smile fading to black, her eyes widening in astonishment. There was only one "he" she could be talking about. Olivia's excitement for the meeting was met with pure disappointment within seconds. She no longer wanted to be a part of it.

"I am so sorry, I tried to stop it but they said he had to be here to discuss the details and agree about what to cover in the interview and what kind of pictures to take and it was out of my hands I'm sorry I'm so sorry" Kia was ranting before Olivia looked at her placing an supportive hand on her shoulder.

"Kia, it's fine, let's just go in and take care of this" Olivia said to her in a seemingly calm tone, almost too calm for Kia to be comfortable with.

"Are you sure cuz I can just cancel the meeting and we-"She was cut off again. Liv looked at her holding both of her shoulders.

"Kia, listen to me, were having this meeting, okay? So, pull down your skirt, grab your notebook and come on" Olivia says secretly pissed, but looks dangerously calm walking past her going towards the board room as Kia does what she says and follows behind her. Olivia opens the door saying "Good morning everyone, I apologize for my tardiness, my lovely assistant and I were ironing out some last-minute details" sitting down in the chair that happened to be positioned directly across from Spencer. Their eyes locked immediately after she was able to sit down. She purposely avoided his gaze as she rested her hands on the table crossing her legs, with Kia sitting next to her not too long afterwards.

"If all minds are clear, I'd like to get started with this meeting" Olivia announced looking across at everyone in the room from Spencer's manager, publicist and the rest of his professional crew.

"Ready when you are Ms. Baker" Spencer said staring in her rearview with his hands folded in his lap. He licked his lips a little when he got a full view of her outfit as she watched him gape at her positioning her body the opposite way not paying him any mind. Damn, she looks so good, I could eat her on this table right now. Olivia's eyes blinked as she tried her best not to look back.

He makes it so hard for me to ignore him when he's just staring like that, I must admit though, he does look really good in that suit.

"Splendid Mr. James. So, I think the first thing we should talk about is what our expectations are for the initial interview for the article, Kia please proceed with that" Kia nodded opening the folder in front of her while Olivia turned on the projector for her as she stood up walking to the screen.

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