Quality Time

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Olivia was seated on the floor fishing through some of her hidden boxes of things. In her individual session she had with Dr. Spears, he challenged her to go through some of her things and see if it can help jog things in her memory. Spencer had taken Jamina off her hands for the day to spend some much-needed quality time with him and her uncle, which left time for her and Kia to catch up. She hadn't seen Kia since they left the hospital and even though her and Spencer were still getting into their groove being back home and things, Olivia was in dire need of some girl time, and she missed her assistant and friend. Aside from that, there were a few things Kia needed to catch her up on concerning the company that couldn't wait much longer. Olivia was flipping through her third photo album when she came across a smaller brown box labeled: LETTERS, that masked a jewelry box. Her curiosity took over as she opened the box, revealing a whole bunch of opened white envelopes. She picked up the first one on top of the pile pulling the letter out holding it with the edges of her hands.

Hey baby, if you're reading this, this is the first letter of us being official. I'm head over heels for you girl and I'm so excited to see where this journey takes us. I'm ready to take you to prom, to go on dates, and to continue our movie nights but as a couple now. It feels good to get this out in the open. Anyway,

I love you girl,


Olivia closes the letter as a smile grimaced across her lips. She skips a few and then opens another that catches her eye.

I think my favorite thing about you physically is your eyes Liv. The way your eyes tell the perfect story, when you look at me, you make my world stop, and spin at the same time. The way they reflect in the sun makes me reflect on how beautiful you are and how glad I am I get to see you and wake up to them in my dorm room. I don't ever want to take them for granted. I love when your eyelids wrinkle when you smile. Your eyes are the gate to my heart girl. I want you to stare at me just so I can stare into them and see our deep future right before me like a movie. It's you Liv, it's always been you.

Liv's POV: Always been me huh? How does a woman not remember loving a man who took time out of his day to write how he feels about her? These letters right now, are doing something to my heart. I feel the butterflies at the pit of my stomach as I read every word. My best-friend, Spencer James, wrote this, about me? How could I forget something like this?

Olivia's eyes water as she's in her head shaking away the tears as she chooses another envelope with a microphone sticker next. Microphone? Why'd he choose that to seal it?

Congrats on your podcast making it on the ranked list on Spotify babe! You've always been a star and you shine the brightest in your element. It's a blessing to watch you work. You always tell me you knew I would be an All-American, well I knew your voice was as powerful as your walk when you enter the room. Your stride is one in a million and you make things shift, change, evolve, and I'm glad to experience it all with you. Two years in and I still feel exactly how I did in high school girl. You got me deep and I'm sticking right there.


Liv's POV: He supported me through my podcast in high school, encouraged me, like this?! Letters like this, he had to have been in love with me, us in love with each other. Wish like hell I remember it the way he does.

Tears slipped down her face as her hands landed on a letter with a pouty face on it, confused on why he chose that sticker. She opened the letter and started reading it as the pieces slowly started to come together. Pouty face, did he write me a letter after an argument? She ponders reading the next one in her hand.

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