Small Things

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He held her in his arms, planting slow kisses on her cheek, nose, mouth, and face. She wrapped her arms around his neck as their lips meshed before his traveled to her neck. She whimpered and moaned as she held his head in place, before pulling his face away so he could look at her.

"Hi" He leaned forward kissing her lips.

"Hi" He cupped her face seeing how wet it was from the tears that kept falling.

"Liv, what's wrong baby?" She stroked his face, lovingly staring into his heart and soul.

"You came back"

"Of course, I did, Liv, was that even a question?" She shook her head before kissing his lips passionately again. Her fingers grazed his cheek as they slowly came apart, drawing their foreheads to one another, while Spencer placed his hand on her stomach.

"How's our baby?"

"Healthy and growing," Spencer felt the friction of movement against his hand, looking back up at Liv.

"Is tha-"

"Your unborn is kicking" Olivia cut in placing her hand on top of his as they both felt the baby's movements against their hands. They gazed up, smiling as their hands remained on her stomach, not noticing their eldest racing down the stairs.

"Mommy, daddy, can I join too?" Jamina asked as her parents looked in her direction.

"There's always room for you over here princess, come here!" Spencer opened his arms wide and Jamina gladly went into them, letting her dad hug her back tightly. He picked her up from the floor again, resting her on his hip, while she started to play with the chain on his neck.

"So, who wants to go shopping?"

On the other side of town, Kia was napping in her home after a long day of work and training Destiny. She was skeptical at first when she had shown up but after talks with Olivia and seeing how good she was at the office, she started to loosen up. She may even say that she liked her distant cousin, but she was still going to keep a close eye on her. Jordan had just slipped his keys into the door, placing them by the living room area. He tiptoed on the carpet, dropping his bag by the door, kicking his shoes off. His pocket vibrated and he pulled out his phone, recognizing the same unknown number that had been calling him for the last couple of days, starting in his last four days in London. He shrugged his head dismissing it once again going back to his task of surprising his fiancee. He made sure not to make any noise as the condo was dead quiet and anytime it was quiet like this, it meant that Kia was sleeping. He approached the bedroom door, cracking it open, seeing her sprawled on the bed, in a t shirt and shorts, her arm propped on her head, her hair hanging down her back, and the rest of her body curved to the right side of the bed. Her Alexa speaker was playing ocean sounds, routine for her when she had trouble falling asleep right away and she seemed to only use this whenever Jordan wasn't sleeping next to her. His lips formed into a gracious smile as he watched his fiancé sleep peacefully. He removed his jacket, setting it down on the chair by her vanity, walking over to her side of the bed. He glided his fingers around her face, using his gentle touch. He leaned down, placing his soft lips to hers, and her eyelashes flipped upward as she stared blankly at him.

"Jordan?" She posed the question in her raspy tone. He pressed his lips to hers again taking ahold of her chin. Soon as she got wind of what was happening, she sat up, grabbing him by the shoulders to embrace him. She wrapped her arms around his back, kissing his cheek.

"Welcome home baby" She pecked his lips.

"Thank you, what you doing sleeping in the middle of the day when we got a plane to catch tonight?"

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