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Trey tipped over the kettle pouring the hot water into the mug, before setting it down and dropping the tea bag in. The tea bag danced in the water until it formed its natural color. He reached above him getting the honey and grabbed a lemon out of the fridge. He took a knife and the cutting board to slice up the lemon and placed one in the piping liquid. He tossed an slice in his own mouth, squeezed the honey in the cup and took the spoon to mix it in for the best taste possible. He blew over it a little before setting it on a small plate and walked into the living room where Olivia was sitting on the couch with her head hanging low, her hands in her lap fidgeting.

"Careful its hot" 

Trey says sitting down beside her handing her the cup of tea. She retrieves it with a small smile.

"Thanks Rey"

"Please, you know I got you girl. Now, wanna explain to me, why you spent a whole hour crying in my arms?" Olivia chuckled weakly, setting her tea down on the small coffee table beside the couch.

"Ohhhh, lets just say, there's a lot we gotta catch up on"

"I have time, tell me wassup Liv"

"I'd much rather know whats been happening with you over these last couple of years then get you all caught up in my melodrama" 

Olivia was deflecting, and Trey caught on to that. His eyes furrowed giving her a stern look as he leaned back resting his arm on the back of the couch getting comfortable.

"We've got plenty of time to catch you up on me, right now, I wanna know whats going on with you, so come on, lay it on me" 

Olivia let out an frustrated sigh clasping her hands together accepting defeat from not talking about the one thing that's making her heart ache in the moment.

"Remind me why were friends again?"

"Maybe because I push you to talk about things you hate talking about, among other things" He flashed an knowing wink her way making her laugh.

"Remind me to revoke our friendship after this conversation"

"Yeah yeah, quit stalling and tell me whats going down" Waving her off wanting to know the real.

"Where do I even begin?"

"Well I'm no expert but uh, according to the books, they suggest you start, from the beginning" Trey joked and she playfully pushed his arm. They shared a laugh before silence fell upon them.

"Well, for starters, I'm a mom now...." She began with his eyes widening in utter shock.

"Woooow!! Uhm, well congratulations, boy or a girl?"

"A girl, her name is Jamina, she's five"

"That's dope Liv, you got a picture?" 

Liv rolled her eyes playfully as if his question was redundant. She pulled her phone out and went to her camera roll showing him an photo she recently took of Jamina eating her breakfast at the table. She handed the phone to him and a smile graced his lips admiring the little girl on the screen.

"Shes beautiful peach, like mother like daughter, I see she loves her fruits just like you do too"

"Love is an understatement, here, watch this" 

Liv scrolled her finger across her videos and clicked play showing him a moment where he caught her off guard raving about how much she loves her fruit. He grew closer so he could hear more clearly.

*Video plays* 

Is it good mina? Liv was recording her while she devoured the fruit on her plate leaving nothing left behind.

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