Unofficial Date Night Part 3

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Olivia rushed through the double doors of the ladies room straight into a stall, locking it behind her. As she sat releasing all the liquor from her system, her mind wandered to what just transpired between her and the ex-love life.

Olivia's POV:

What was that? Why did he ask me to dance? What am I doing, what is HE doing? We were just supposed to be having fun, trying to forget about the past, how could I possibly forget when it's staring me in the face every day? I knew I should've stayed home tonight. I mean.... was the dance nice? Sure, do I miss him? Heh, of course I do, I'd be a liar if I said I didn't's been too long and too much has happened. I just don't want to put myself in that position, it's better to leave the past in the past, and he's my past so, as hard as it is, I can't go back, I can't, and I won't. It's fine, I'm going to finish up here and just tell him that it's getting late, and he should probably take me home, call it a night, yeah that's what I'll tell him, but I will was nice to be in his arms again like that after so long, real nice. 

The opening of a door brought her out of her thoughts. She finished up coming out of the stall walking to the sink to wash her hands. She looked herself in the mirror brushing a strand of hair from her face breathing in deeply. She put her hands under the waterflow reaching for the soap mixing it with her wet skin rubbing it together slowly. She rinsed turning off the water with a paper towel reaching for another one to dry her hands with. She tossed the damp paper towel into the trash looking in the mirror for a quick second and jumped a little seeing the person who appeared behind her.

"Spencer! Oh my gosh you scared me!"

"Sorry, I wasn't tryna do that, it's just you left so quickly, and I just wanted to make sure, everything was good, you good right?" He stayed where he was with her slowly turning to face him gripping the sink with her fingers.

"Yea uh, everything's good, I just had to use it really badly, you know how liquor runs through me" She joked slightly with him half-smiling with his hands in pockets.

"Heh, right, so umm, you bout to ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go" 

Olivia gathered her purse following him out pausing when he stopped. Spencer palmed the edge of the door looking down at his feet before closing it and locking it. He had his hands on the wall and he gradually turned his body to face her. Olivia peered her eyes at him confusedly.

"Spencer what are you doing?" She motioned towards the door wanting to walk past him before he caught her arm. She looked at his hand on her arm before focusing her eyes on him as he did the same.

"Normally, I would say I'm just reading into things, but.... I don't think I am this time"

"Reading into what, what are you talking about?" Not a word came from Spencer's mouth as he continued to stare into her dazzling brown eyes that were watching him equally. Her breath hitched as he lifted a single finger to her face, caressing it with his palm, closing the space between them.

"Spencer...please don't"

He pushed his finger to her lips quieting her while shaking his head. Slowly but surely, they both inched closer to each other until their faces were touching and their lips brushed against each other. He kissed her slowly, pulling back asking for further permission with his eyes, while continuing to hold and rub her face gently. She slightly turned her face the other way before he tilted her chin back to meet his face, with their lips meeting again. Spencer's lips were warm and very soft. They parted slightly, allowing her tongue to slip inside. Their tongues danced, fighting each other for dominance as Spencer took the lead walking them over to the nearby wall next to the sink. Her lips were soft, silken, and pillowy against his own. Olivia could feel the soft tickle of her breath beneath his nose, fingers, carding through her hair as they breathed each other in. Their bodies were pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as their lips remained attached. They both could taste their shared liquor breath, feeling the thud of their combined heartbeat as Olivia fumbled with Spencer's jacket, until it dropped to the floor. She tried wrapping her arms around his neck when he took it raising them above her head pecking her lips before his mouth travelled to her neck. A soft moan erupted from Liv's mouth as he worked his way down sucking every inch of her neck and throat, planting kisses through her dress to her stomach and middle. One of her arms came down falling on his shoulder as he went down, coming to his knees. He easily brought up some of her dress, lifting one of her legs to his shoulder, heels still attached to her feet. He kissed the inside of her ankle and then went north, until his wet, warm lips were at her center. Sliding her panties to the side, he placed a soul-stirring kiss to her clit. Olivia gripped his head, as hers fell back.

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