Chapter One

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Darkness was all she could see. Her eyes frantically searched for any shred of light concealed and suffocated within the depths of the dark mass before her, but she could not uncover any sliver of light. Was she dead? Was this what it was like to die? To be condemned to reside in an infinitely dark space with no way out, doomed to a literal eternity of darkness that compels you into driving straight into insanity's tranquilly welcoming embrace and then proceeding to never let you out of its grasp? Was this the blissful nothingness, or was it the twisted depths of hell reserved for certain people?

Just as she was about to miserably accept her morbid fate, she felt her body violently jolt upwards, and she was aggressively propelled forward, before stumbling into a newfound light, one which she was certain did not exist a few moments ago. She braced herself for some sort of impact, some form of twisted, agonising pain, but it never came.

Before she knew it, she gasped loudly, and her blue eyes shot open instantly. Her organs immediately whirred back to life and her lungs hungrily commenced consuming the air around her. She blinked rapidly as she attempted to fix her blurry, foggy vision.

Where was she?

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Where was she?

Whilst waiting for her vision to focus, she felt her body resting against what appeared to be a hard surface, though small blades tickled her exposed flesh of her arms and legs, and she frowned deeply, uncomprehending the entire scope of the situation she was in. As she sniffed, she could distinctly make out the scent of sea salt from a distance, and her ears intriguingly perked up upon hearing the melodic chirps of birds above her on the endless trees surrounding her, looming over her figure intimidatingly and tauntingly.

Digging her left hand into the depths of the surface she laid her back upon, she ripped out a handful of these mysterious blades in her fist, and brought them up to her face to inspect them.

Finally, her vision had cleared. In her hand were small blades of green grass, poking out through the gaps between her fingers, and she pouted her lips slightly as she inspected them. She brought her hand back to the ground and discarded the grass, and she slowly sat upward, hoisting herself up by placing her palms flat on the ground and pushing. The slight breeze ruffled her long, brown hair that fell in waves against her back, and she felt herself getting goosebumps as a result of the slight chill in the air around her.

She could decipher the evident fact that she was in some sort of jungle, although the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore alerted her that she was most likely in an island. As her eyes darted from one place to another, desperately trying to drink in her full surroundings, she barely noticed the movement of bushes behind her, as she was too overwhelmed with everything around her already, and could hardly keep up with all the sounds and movements this jungle emitted.

"Oh, good. You're awake."

The girl frantically spun around as she remained sat on the ground, and she tucked her bare legs under her as she gazed up at a boy who stood a few feet away from where she sat. She was dressed in a simple, short white summer dress that reached just above her knees. The boy was rather tall, his figure laxly resting against the bark of a tall tree, with his toned arms crossed over his chest, and one leg relaxed as the other was propped up against the ground firmly. His fawn hair ruffled slightly with the wind, swept over to the side carelessly, with minimum effort, and his defined jawline was eminent as he clenched it. He stared at her quietly, his forest-green eyes calculative and alert, though that's all the girl could see in them. She couldn't quite tell what he was thinking, because his facial expression was immaculately neutral. His button nose sculpted onto his face stretched slightly as his nostrils flared unintentionally, and his smooth, pink lips were pursed into a thin line cautiously. He was dressed in a half-sleeved dark green shirt, with a dark grey undershirt's sleeves exposed down to his elbows. He wore a dark-green coloured pair of pants, held up with brown belt wrapped around his hips.

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