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153 years later

The wind ruffled his fawn hair wildly, and he felt his heart pumping with adrenaline as he threw himself off the tallest cliff in Neverland, but as planned, the fairies around him sprinkled him with pixie dust, and he was flying of his own accord, a calm look settling on his face as he blinked slowly. Peter Pan looked just the same as he always did so many years ago. The Lost Boys all look the very same as well, for none of them have the ability to age in Neverland.

As expected, everyone had moved on after the horrors of Mount Olympus, in their own special ways. They all carried an insane amount of grief, but they all knew how to live with it. Theodore and Nate consumed themselves in combat training, despite the evident fact that they were no longer under any form of threat. Unless of course, a new villain would make their presence known. But things have been quite peaceful this whole time, and Peter knew that it was slightly aggravating the boys and himself.

Because peace meant more spare time, and more spare time meant more time to think of her.

Elijah decided to plant a farm near camp, and tended to vegetables and fruit with Sam and Finn. David, Denzel, James and Felix were spending most of their time going for hunts, and exploring Neverland even further than they already have, now that all territories and divisions belonged to Peter. Timmothy, Gabriel and Micah poured their whole time in discovering new healing potions just in case, with Sam's incessant need to point out their PTSD. And finally Liam, Idris and Jacob would constantly go fishing for absolutely no reason, but it was their way of finding peace.

No one dared going near Metanoia's treehouse, ever. Except once, Peter was having a heart wrenching night many years ago. He couldn't sleep, for his body ached to have Metanoia's body near him. His heart cried as he could no longer hear her steady heartbeat against his chest when they fell asleep together. His eyes spilled tears endlessly, and he suddenly found himself leaving his treehouse and slipping into hers. It still smelled just like her, despite her father's temporary stay in her home a few days before they left for Mount Olympus to go into war. He cried softly into her pillow, and sought comfort in falling asleep on her bed, clutching the pillow as though it was Metanoia.

Metanoia's treehouse was never entered by anyone after that night.

He sometimes resented her for deciding to join her father in this war. But then he'd also remember how much she cared about her father, and he understood. There's no way she would've let her father fight anyone without her by his side. Peter just wished it didn't have to be her that had to leave this world so soon.

As he flew over Neverland, Peter felt a nag in his chest - a sensation he hadn't felt in the longest time possible, indicating that a new arrival was in Neverland. Frowning to himself, Peter descended the earth, and his shoes touched the rich soil. He followed the tug in his chest like a compass leading him to the intruder on his grounds, and when he pushed back a tree branch out of his way to step inside, his breath got caught in his throat at the sight of the girl's cold, blue eyes gazing straight at him.

Was he imagining things?

Her brown hair fell in long waves over her shoulders, her eyes wide and confused as she looked at him, her full, pink lips parted. She was dressed in the same short white dress she wore when she first came to Neverland all this time ago, and Pan felt his heart almost escape out of his mouth in this moment.

"Peter?" She asked incredulously.

"It's you." He almost couldn't believe it. "Metanoia, please tell me this isn't some sick joke."

Metanoia slowly stood up from the ground, her legs shaking, and Peter immediately stepped forward to aid her, but he pulled his arms back just as fast. He was afraid. He couldn't let his guard down after all this time, not unless he'd be entirely certain that it really was Metanoia.

But how could it be?

"I ... I don't know how I got here." Metanoia murmured. "All I remember is fighting off Artemis, and she - she stabbed me with her ... arrows."

Peter furrowed his eyebrows perplexedly, and very slowly, his eyes teared up, and he cried, grabbing onto Metanoia and pulling her against his chest. He hugged her so tight, not wishing to ever let go of her as he sobbed into her hair and kissed the top of her head over and over again.

"I can't believe it's you." He cried.

"Peter, you're scaring me." She mumbled against his chest, but she was hugging him back just as tight.

Pulling away only slightly, he grinned down at her. "I - I'll explain everything to you but - fuck, how is this possible?!"

His eyes landed on her forearm, and he gently cradled it. Greek words were inked onto her forearm, and Metanoia furrowed her brows.

"When on earth did that happen?" She was beyond confused at this point, and Peter felt his entire world restore itself in one swift motion as he read the words and it all finally made sense.

"In redemption we trust, in conversion of one's way we believe, repent and forgive, and a second chance we shall give."

Wordlessly, Peter grabbed her face gently in his hands and kissed her, exerting all the emotions he'd kept all those years into this single kiss, and taking Metanoia's breath away along with it. Pulling away softly, and kissing her lips again, he murmured, "come with me, love. I'm sure the boys would love to see you, and I'll fill you in on everything that's happened."

Metanoia didn't ask any more questions. She trusted him with her life, and allowed him to hold onto her hand gently, yet firmly, and lead her back to the camp that had missed her presence for over a century. Peter couldn't wait until he could see the reactions of his Lost Boys, and it brought him comfort in knowing that their happiness would soon be restored just as his was only a minute ago.

With this second chance given to all of them, Peter Pan vowed to cherish it with his entire soul and every fibre of his being.

For what is life without changing one's way of living?


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