Chapter Two

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As far as Metanoia was aware, fulfilling the tasks assigned to them seemed like the most crucial thing in the world to the Lost Boys. Perhaps it was, considering the fact that a few minutes ago, she'd heard Jeremy mumble to Jacob, "Thank heavens it's over. Could you imagine Pan's wrath if we went beyond the deadline to get this crap done?"

She was forlornly seated far away from the camp's inhabitants, some of which were currently huddled around the campfire as the remnants of the sun were starting to quickly slip away and get swallowed whole by the darkness of the night. She could see Sam from the distance preparing plates and cups for everyone's dinner. He was conversing animatedly with Nate, who was busy being perched up near the fire, sautéing vegetables and laughing rambunctiously at something Sam had told him. Close to them stood Finn, who was cutting into the boar they had cooked a while ago and placing generous portions onto each plate.

It was only then that Metanoia's stomach viciously grumbled in desperate hunger, causing her to clutch her stomach subconsciously and caught herself shushing it.

As if that would work.

For a while, she was able to keep herself hidden and forgotten by the Lost Boys. She was grateful for their lack of interest in her, for she really did not fancy the attention of seventeen boys around her age along with their leader, who was nowhere to be seen right now. Furrowing her brows as her brain thumped with a growing curiosity, her eyes scanned the parameters for any sign of a certain fawn-haired boy with the fairest facial features.

Instead of finding him, her eyes landed on Theodore, whose blonde head popped out through a door of one of the tree houses as he dusted his hands on his pants. Following him suit out of the treehouse were Elijah and Charlie, who were speaking at a rapid pace and the two of them howled laughing as Theodore cracked a smile. Shutting the treehouse door behind him, Elijah's eyes accidentally fell on Metanoia in the distance, and he immediately shot her a dazzling smile.

Metanoia's cheeks flushed, though she wasn't sure if it was due to her embarrassment of being caught staring at him, or because of how attractive he was. Either way, Metanoia immediately looked away and stared at the soil beneath her instead. Her stomach thundered once more, her organ almost willing to punch her to see reason that it was being starved, but Metanoia paid it no mind.

She'd rather starve than walk all the way to the food source in front of all these boys staring her down like they were a pack of wolves and she was a helpless lamb. She was not entirely threatened by every person here, though she was particularly wary about a certain trio who were sitting quite close to where Finn stood arranging the contents of each plate. David was speaking to Finn quietly, and Metanoia couldn't quite rip her gaze off his intense, blue eyes and the way his thick eyebrows acted as umbrellas for his eyes. They made him look so dangerously captivating, and she wasn't so sure if she found that enticing or daunting. Perhaps it was both. Denzel and James were sitting right beside him, talking to each other casually, with Denzel's lips moving, and James nodding along to his words.

"Well, you look like you might fancy some company." A voice sounded beside her, and Metanoia snapped her to her right to gaze at the owner of the voice.

Theodore was smiling at her amusedly, though his eyes flickered with a hint of pity at her state. It was subtle, but didn't go unnoticed by Metanoia. She knew what a state she was. As she glanced down at her tattered dress, ripped at the hem courtesy of a pesky tree branch, and mud smudging the white material of the fabric, she visibly winced. She noticed the coat of dirt covering her exposed legs, and she could only hope that her face and hair would at least be in a better state.

Wordlessly, Theodore sat himself down beside Metanoia and stared ahead of them as he handed her a plate piled with scrumptious food and a cup of water. She silently took the plate and cup off his hands slowly, and softly spoke, "thank you. You didn't have to."

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